Enterprise Ministry Call
Enterprise Ministry Call
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! My name is Wilson Bumuh, and I have an enterprise ministry call on my life. I was born on June 27, 1977, in Bamenda, the northwestern province of Cameroon to Rev. Alfred V. and Mary A. Bumuh. I have an elder sister with two little sisters and a little brother. My parents worked at the Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary (CBTS) in Ndu in Cameroon as teachers. When I was three, they moved to Nigeria and were students at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary. After their studies in Nigeria, we moved back to CBTS in Ndu, Cameroon. Growing up as a kid, we were involved in preaching, witnessing, and bringing people to Christ. We attended the Christian youth camp and went to Bible crusades.
Presently, I live in China. I moved here in 2004. I got married to my wife Pamela here in Shenzhen in 2009. We have three beautiful children: Willa Keali-An, our daughter who is eight, Wilmore, our son who is six, and Willis, our son who is three. My children speak very little or no English since they go to schools taught in the Chinese language. Plus, they spend most of their time with their maternal grandmother who is Chinese and barely speaks English. We bring them up in a Christian way as I was brought up by my parents. However, it’s not easy since there are very few churches and the Christian community is scarce. My wife and children go to a small church group at my friend’s home every Saturday.
I’m a businessman here in China. When I first came to China, in 2004, I started as an English teacher as that was the only available job to get. I did that for a year and then switched careers to hotel management from 2005 to 2007. In 2008, I started my first company with a partner which lasted only for a year, and we dissolved the company to go our separate ways. I got married in 2009 and had our daughter in 2010. The year 2010 was the first year since I came to China to go to church.
For the six years before my marriage, I was far away from God and the Bible. I didn’t even know where my Bible was. I got involved in heavy drinking, partying, and all kinds of girlfriends. At that time, I was far away from my family and hardly called them even though my father was seriously sick. Those years, I was into the party life, work, and the stress of life here. I was trying to survive and make it. I was in a confusing world, so different from how I grew up with everyone around me fearing God. It was an abrupt change.
Marriage Changes
However, after I married, I reduced all those unnecessary habits. My drinking reduced. But, due to the business culture here, you have a drink while eating at dinner or after a business meeting. Even when Chinese friends invite you out to eat, you drink what they give you to drink to show respect and appreciation. But my drinking got intense again from 2011 to 2016. Those years, we were involved in some strenuous business deals. At the same time, we worked in selling land here which is challenging to get. But since my company was part of a joint company, we had the opportunity to sign deals with very wealthy people and other real estate companies.
I had very little rest. Therefore, in 2016, I had a stroke where I was rushed to the hospital. I could not speak again, I couldn’t think well, and one side of my body was all numb. I forgot almost everything. The news went around the whole world quickly. Thank God, with the social media we have these days, everybody that knew my family and me was on their knees praying to God for total healing. My wife and my daughter stayed with me in the hospital.
Enterprise Ministry Call
Miraculously, in five days I was up, took a shower by myself, walked outside the hospital ward, and made some phone calls even though words were difficult to understand. The doctors were surprised; they didn’t know how come I could stand and walk. But, they advised me to stay with them for another week for observation. I did and left the hospital a week later.
I thank God for sparing my life. God was telling me something and placed an enterprise ministry call on my life. In the twinkling of an eye, He can take this life from my body. It was a harsh reminder, and I remembered the story of Jonah in the Bible. I’ve been called to serve the Lord, and I am back on track. Thank God that the Christian Leaders Institute offers theological courses and business management courses online for free. My dream is to take the CLI courses and get trained to become an influential Christian leader in the business field and church planting here in China.
Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.
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