If you eat food to nourish your body, then you have to read the Bible to strengthen your faith in God. The Bible is every Christian’s ticket to gaining a deeper understanding of their faith. Tom Smith of Holding To Truth In Love expounds on the Bible and its role as the “Book of Life”:

When we say that the Bible is a book of life we mean that it is the necessary food for our inner man. That’s because it contains Christ, who is God’s living Word (John 1:1; 1 John 1:1). This thought of the Bible being a book of life is confirmed by Paul’s word in 2 Tim. 3:16. “All Scripture is God-breathed…” Consider, whenever we speak, we exhale, we breathe out our essence. It’s the same with God. The Bible, as God’s living Word, contains and conveys His essence—His Spirit of Life—into us.

Christians who fail to browse the Bible on a regular basis have different reasons, like the inability to grasp moral lessons and lack of time. Indeed, these are stumbling blocks that can weaken a Christian’s resolve. Nevertheless, believers must strive to overcome these barriers and learn the Word of God by enrolling in an online Bible school.

Online Bible schools like Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) also offer courses in fields like Theology and Church History. They help Christians gain a broader perspective of Christianity and appreciate the underlying tenets of the world’s largest religion. The various courses will inspire students to search deeper into their souls and gain new spiritual insights.

Reputable Bible schools are run by Christian leaders, so those who are interested in strengthening their faith are guaranteed to get the most insightful religious teachings. Despite the superior education offered by many online Bible schools, some avoid charging their students tuition. Smith goes on to note that if “we’re going to get life out of God’s Word, we need to come to the One who is the Life. We’ve got to come to Christ as God’s living Word in God’s written Word (John 1:1; 5:39-40).”

When compared to God giving up His only begotten Son in exchange for mankind’s salvation, taking the time to read the Bible is a small sacrifice. Perusing the Bible should not be considered a chore, but should be regarded as a means of connecting with the One who gave us Life.

(From Daily Bible Reading: Why It’s So Important and How to Build Up the Habit; Holding to Truth in Love; February 11, 2013)

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