Enhance Christian Education

Brad Birkholz enrolled at CLI to receive seminary-grade ministry training for free on his own time and without financial obligation. Enhance Christian Education online free at Christian Leaders Institute!

Enhance Christian Education – Brad’s Story

I was born in Illinois, USA to my parents who a couple years later would divorce. I grew up not knowing anything about the bible and would not have any encounters with God until two years after high school. I was in college when I met my wife. Everyone in her family, including her, were strong followers of Jesus Christ so I began to attend church. Little did I know God had an incredible plan for my wife and I. We have been youth leaders in our church for the past year and have just been offered our own program in the church ministering to young adults in the community who are dealing with addictions. CLI has made our ministry dreams possible by preparing us for this huge opportunity that God has given us to serve and we are so thankful to have this wonderful opportunity to learn more about furthering our leadership knowledge.

1. I currently live in the state of Wisconsin in the United States of America. 71% of Wisconsin residents claim to be Christian which is a 15% drop since 1990 and it seems like that number is going to continue to fall. That drop is my main concern since that means that people are 1. falling away from Christ or 2. God’s word is not being passed down to the younger generations and that is what I believe I am called to work on.

2. I came to know the Lord through my wife. We met each other for the first time when we ended up in the same college class. We moved in together into some apartments across from a church. One Sunday my wife decided she was going to go check it out so I went with her since I had never actually been to a church service. When I walked in I felt as if that was where I should be. It was there I would come to find Jesus.

3. My ministry dream is to move to a foreign country and help build churches while I spread the word of God. I believe that God has given me certain abilities like construction experience and the ability to minister to others.

4. I would say that I identify myself with the word Pastor the most because that’s what I feel my calling is for. I enjoy ministering to people and have a love for teaching the word of God.

5. I believe that my love for teaching the word of God comes from my experience with depression and how I want everyone to know the love that God has for them and that there is more to this life.

6. People in Wisconsin are known for their hunting, fishing, and alcohol which tend to take priority over going to church and hearing God’s word.

7. My local church has supported my ministry calling by putting me in charge of a new program that is being put into all our campuses.

8. My wife and family have been more that supportive of my decision to engage in ministry. They have been my biggest encouragers and will continue to push me forward in my walk with God.

9. A scholarship at CLI is very important to me since I do not have time or money to receive an on campus education. I currently work 40-50 hours a week and have a 5 month old daughter to take care of who takes up the majority of my time.

10. I would like to thank CLI once again for this amazing opportunity and ask for prayers that God be the rock and foundation of the ministry my wife and I have been given to lead.

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