One of the great things about doing ministry service for God is that nothing disqualifies you. If you’re weak, God’s strength shines all the more in you. If you’re broken, God’s light shines even brighter. Even if you can’t do jobs in the human world, God’s kingdom will accept you for ministry service.

David Keller has firsthand knowledge of this. As a disabled army vet, David is now called by god to ministry service. However, because of his disability, he can’t afford the costs of traditional seminaries. But David found Christian Leaders Institute, and since joining he’s earned a Christian Leaders Diploma. He plans to use these classes to minister to other disabled vets.

I Live in Amarillo Texas in the United States, and the Ministries are very good, and the Churches are excellent though I am a Non-Denomination Pastor, and my ministry is both of the US and International. I strive to get all Christians together to share the word of God.

I came to know the Lord when I was five years old, and my grandmother started to teach me the Bible. I read along with her, and I read the Bible front to back. I was a Catholic and went to Catholic schools, and when I decided to go Non-Denominational, I went to College at Liberty University and Oral Roberts University.

The Dream of my Ministry is coming true with God’s help, right now I am working on a website, that will reach all the Internet. My purpose is to reach all Christians and share the word of God and to help as much as I can. I have friends that made this possible, Franklin Graham and Billy Graham, Rod Parsley and others that affected my life in the most positive way.

I would consider myself as an Evangelist because I like to talk and talk to people about the Lord. The Lord gave me the gift of speaking, and the speaking that I do is all about the Lord. People come up to me and ask me certain questions, and I would tell them what the word said, and also tell them that God is there for them whenever you need him.

The key was that when I was a small boy and I knew what the Bible has told me, and my grandmother told me that God had a reason I am here, and that is to minister and to give the word of our Lord and Savior to the people.

The Challenges in my Location is that people do not take the word of God very serious because I would go to a church and I sat in the back and being meek, I’ve seen a lot of people talking and showing off things that they have gotten while the Pastor was preaching. Now as a disabled Army vet myself there is a lot of Vet’s that are homeless and that they need the word of God.

Are you called into ministry service? Does your calling include training to be a more effective minister in the kingdom of God? If so, you can take our free online ministry training courses. It doesn’t cost you anything but time and perseverance. Enroll now to see for yourself!

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