Effective Ministry Call

Effective Ministry Call

Hello, my name is Rich and I have an effective ministry call to serve the Lord with my life. I live in Middletown, NY. I am the founder of an outreach Ministry called Man up for God Inc. I’ve been a facilitator of this ministry for five years now. Our focus is the community at large, no matter where it is. God placed this ministry in my heart in 2013 while I was still working as an NYC detective in the Bronx, NY. I never thought that I would be in ministry but had dreams of someday working in the harvest fields. Like the Word says, “the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord.”

I’m retired now and seeking to further my knowledge of my Lord Jesus in response to the effective ministry call on my life. Christian Leaders Institute is making this dream possible. My hope and prayer are that I complete this course I am on. It is a dream that I had since I was young to be effective for the Lord.

I’ve been a Christian all my life but went astray for a time in my teen years into adulthood. I recall when God came to me in a security shed in the year 1998. I was contemplating suicide due to a life full of wrong decisions. As I was ready to end my life, He came to me in a still small voice and asked: “Are you done?” My answer to Him was a quick, “Yes!” His answer to me is one that rings out in my life every day, “Then give your life to Me!” I responded to Him, “Fine you can have it, give me the strength to get out of this situation.” His answer was, “Now I can work IN you.”

My life has never been the same after that night. He has given me a new song and dream. I want to reach as many as I can with my gifts and talents that He has blessed me with. So I will be putting forward my best foot as I am led in my next season of learning. Thank you, CLI, for making it possible.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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