Christian Leaders Institute continues to work to bring a high quality Bible school experience to users worldwide at no cost to the students. One student, Edy Molina, reflects on Sermon Construction – a Bible school course available at Christian Leaders. He says, “I learned that introduction is critical for any presentation… …to engage a congregation to worship Jesus I need to bring up a good introduction where all the worship begins.” He later adds, “Although a good introduction and body is a decisive part of a sermon, it means nothing if it does not have a powerful conclusion. I learned that conclusions are as important as everything else in a text because it gives a sense of fulfillment to the preaching. A conclusion is used to challenge the audience to take action about what was learned. The conclusion should be somehow related to the introduction to make a full circle when preaching.” Finally, in summarizing his experience with this Bible school course, Edy says, “I am now more confident in presenting a speech, whatever it may be, because of all that I learned in this class. I am now more aware of how to make an impact in people’s life and how to persuade them to take action over problems.”

This is the objective of any Bible school course, that the students who take it come away more able to understand and teach the word of God. Edy’s experience in Sermon Construction gave him much needed confidence in public speaking and especially preaching. Sermon Construction enabled him to become even more effective for the Kingdom of God.

Bible School Certificates

Edy Molina began his Bible school experience at Christian Leaders Institute with the class Getting Started: Christian Basics Certificate. In this course, students are introduced to the CLI Bible school model, and the CLI faculty get a brief introduction to the student. In his introductory paper, Edy writes “I have no way to thank God for all He has done for me but to obey His commands and make disciples. I am currently running a Soccer Ministry for kids and the first season went well. I still don’t know where all this will take me but I know God is in control and He will make this ministry bring glory to Him.” He also says, “Thanks to CLI, I have found a base to anchor my faith and learn how to lead others in the right direction. CLI is crucial for God’s purposes in my life because without it, I can’t get any valuable training and take my calling to its best. I have found an ally in CLI, not for my own benefit but to advance the Kingdom of God.” Edy Molina received his Christian Basics Certificate, and continued to take many more in depth courses at Christian Leaders Institute.

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