Educational Journey

Educational Journey

My name is Amanda Stuckey and I am on an educational journey at Christian Leaders Institute. I am from Carterville, Missouri in the United States of America. I feel that being a Christian Leader where I live is a great thing for me and my community. I am able to share the gospel with those that may not have had the opportunity. I was raised in a United Methodist Church until I was old enough to move out. I bounced from church to church trying to find my home. I never felt wanted, loved, or even respected until I found my current church. I have known the Lord for several years but just recently opened my heart and mind to Him anew. I felt as if I strayed off the path, but I have realized that He is always there for me no matter what. My dream is to learn more about God and Jesus Christ. I hope to travel the world and help spread His message and love to people wherever God leads me.

I have struggled for several years with things that have happened in my past.  So, when I finally opened my heart to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He really showed me how I can change my life and get to know Him better. He has set me free. I hope to use my degree to strengthen my understanding of Jesus Christ and to help others. On my educational journey, I have struggled to find money to be able to obtain a degree. Then I found out that Christian Leaders Institute offers a scholarship and free classes. I knew I had found my school. Without Christian Leaders Institute, I would not be able to pursue my dreams.

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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