Educational Christian Classes for Free at CLI

Hello, everyone! My name is Evelyn Jacks, and I am taking educational Christian classes at the Christian Leaders Institute for free (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here).! I am a fifteen-year-old girl, born and raised in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. I live in a log cabin on 85 acres with my parents and seven siblings. As one can imagine, my siblings and I made many wonderful memories on our property. We enjoy our tree forts, rope swings, airsoft battles, volleyball, hunting, hiking, tent camping, and ice skating on our pond! All eight of us kids have been homeschooled since the beginning, which allows us to spend quite a bit of time together!

When not with siblings, I work hard on our family business and school. My family and I run a small business. We provide fully registered English Labrador Retrievers for families, sports enthusiasts, and therapy trainers. Currently, we have a puppy serving as the first onsite therapy dog for our firefighters in California. I am a high school student pursuing a college degree from Liberty University through dual enrollment in terms of school.

My Walk with God and Finding CLI

When I was eight years old, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Since then, I have assisted at our small local country church. I volunteer at our AWANA program, help my mom teach her Women’s Bible Study, and lead a monthly Bible study for girls. I enjoy learning and memorizing the Bible. This past month I finished memorizing the book of James with my eleven-year-old sister.

I found out about the Christian Leaders Institute through Teenpact, a government program for high schoolers. I was excited to hear I could take educational Christian classes for free! So, I am thrilled to see what I will learn from these courses at CLI!



Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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