I live in the San Francisco bay area of California in the United States of America.  As with most areas of this wonderful country there are many Christian churches in this area that have a diversity of denominational influences.  There are many affluent people in this area but also many people who are struggling and need a lot of help. I can help in some ways, but I know the One that can help in all me n johannathe ways that truly matter.

After many years of prayer from my faithful Grandmother, and during the last few months of my Grandfather’s life, I watched my stern, unrelenting, stubborn Grandfather get to a point that all he wanted to do was hear the word and praise and worship music.  I realize that some people who wait until 12th hour to surrender to God, die in the 11th; but my Grandfather’s transformation during those last few months really led me to realize how real God is and inspired me to seek Him for myself.

My ministry dream is simple in theory but the details have yet to be worked out.  At the risk of sounding cliché, I truly want God to open the doors to which I’m to walk through and close those that I should not.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t want the responsibility of doing what is right or that I’m unwilling to put forth the works to my faith in finding which path God would have me to take, but ultimately I want His word and His way to be the lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path.  It has been prophesied over me that I will be in the ministry and I believe this to be true, I’ll let God lead me in the direction He sees fit.

A scholarship to CLI is important to me because man dies from a lack of knowledge. Moreover, as your lessons have already taught, the best way to become closer to God and truly know Him is by studying His word (to show thyself approved). I have been involved in the ministry in some capacity for a number of years but at a young age (26) I’m not foolish enough to believe that I don’t have a whole lot to learn.  As I mentioned before, I want to be led by God in everything I do, but I want to do my part in preparing myself for whatever avenue He so chooses for my life.

My wife and I covet your prayers for us.  To be specific: praying for God’s direction in my life and my wife’s health.  My wife has been diagnosed with severe Fibromyalgia and degenerative arthritis.  She has been going through severe pain and sleepless nights for almost 3 years.  Thank you, sincerely.

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