Resident Philosopher and Professor of Philosophy at Christian Leaders Institute
Roy Clouser is the professor of religion and Philosophy (Emeritus) at the College of New Jersey. He holds a BA from Gordon College, a B.D. from Reformed Episcopal Seminary, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.
Notable Accomplishments: Dr. Roy Clouser
- Studied with Paul Tillich at Harvard Graduate School
- Mentored by Herman Dooyeweerd at the Free University of Amsterdam 1967 and 1971
- Dissertation: “Transcendental Critique, Ontological Reduction, and Religious Belief
Herman Dooyeweerd
in the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd”.
- Dissertation: “Transcendental Critique, Ontological Reduction, and Religious Belief
- Winner of a Templeton Award for his Science and Religion Course 1997
- Professor of philosophy & religion, 1991–2002 at The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ
- The Myth of Religious Neutrality (University of Notre Dame Press, revised 2005),
- Knowing with the Heart (IVP, 1999), and numerous articles.
Christian Leaders Institute, 2018
Resident Philosopher
The College of New Jersey, Ewing, N.J.
Prof. Emeritus, 2002 – present
Professor of philosophy & religion, 1991–2002.
Assoc. Professor of philosophy & religion, 1973-1991.
Asst. Professor of philosophy & religion, 1968-1973.
Rutgers University, Camden, N.J.
Adjunct Assoc. Professor of philosophy, 1969 – 1984.
Instructor in philosophy, 1966 ‑ 1968.
Instructor in symbolic logic, 1965 – 1966.
University of Pennsylvania: Ph.D. in philosophy, 1972.
Dissertation: “Transcendental Critique, Ontological Reduction, and Religious Belief in the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd”.
Advisor: James Ross. Harrison Fellowship.
Courses with: J. Ross (phil. of religion, dissertation seminar), G. Morrow (Plato, Aristotle), F. Clarke (British Empiricists), M. Farber (Kant, phenomenology), W. Fontaine (social phil), E. Flower (ethics), B. Grunstra (phil. of science); 1962 – 1966.
Free University of Amsterdam 1967 and 1971:
Ph.D. dissertation conferences with Herman Dooyeweerd, summers 1967 & 1971. Travel grants both years from the Free University.
University of Pennsylvania: MA.in philosophy, 1965.
Thesis: “Aristotle’s Theory of Moral Incontinence”.
Advisor: Glenn Morrow
Harvard Graduate School 1961-1962
Studies in the History & Philosophy of Religion with P. Tillich (phil. of religion, The Self- Interpretation of Man), H. Oberman (Medieval Thought), E. Wright (Old Testament), A. Wilder (New Testament), R.R. Niebuhr (19th Century theology); 1961 – 1962.
Reformed Episcopal Seminary: BD. in theology, 1962 (Summa cum Laude).
Dean Prize in theology; Alumni Award to outstanding graduating senior.
Gordon College: BA in philosophy, 1961 (Summa cum Laude).
Drew Scholarship.
TCNJ: Merit Award to outstanding faculty, 2001.
Andreas Foundation: Research grant, 1998.
Templeton Foundation: Course Award in Science and Religion,
TCNJ: Merit Award to Outstanding Faculty, 1987
Andreas Foundation: research grant, 1983.
Institute for Advanced Christian Studies: research grant,