Degree Journey

My Journey to the Degree Program at CLI

My name is Deon Joubert. Currently, I am studying at the Christian Leaders Institute and hope to get a degree at the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

I am from Polokwane, formerly Pietersburg, in the Limpopo province of South Africa. I have educated up to the Matric Level the equivalent of Standard 10, which I completed in 1995 in Tom Naude Technical High School. In November 2013, I completed a 3-year ministry program called the City Changers Ministry Program with the City Changers Institute through the Apostolic Faith Mission Church.

Being a Christian leader in Polokwane, South Africa, is not looked down on and is not dangerous. We have freedom of religion at the moment, although changes in the education department are beginning to limit this freedom in the school setting.

Early Years

I had a wonderful childhood. I was born in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, but my family moved to the Transkei in 1980. We went back to Zimbabwe, where I complete Junior School, before completing my high school in 1995. The High School is where I decided to receive Christ as my Saviour on the 17th of September 1991. In 1994, I joined the Christian Community Church and loved the charismatic services. I rededicated my life to Christ and was baptized after becoming a day scholar in 1995. However, I did not attend church much after that.

My Marriage and How God Spoke

I married my wife in 2002, and we have an eleven-year-old son and a seven-year-old daughter. Everything was going along well until, in July 2009, work pressure became too much for me. I reached the end of my strength and was depressed and didn’t want to go on. I couldn’t imagine going to work and facing the daily pressure for one more day.

When I went home on that Friday, I was alone as my wife and son were away for the weekend. I opened the Bible my wife bought for me. She encouraged me to read it but to no avail until that Friday. The scripture I read was from Matthew 4, where the devil was tempting Jesus to turn the stones to bread. I was shocked at Jesus’ response, “Man does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Immediately, I realized God was speaking to me! The things that weighed me down did not have eternal value. God let me know that I needed his Word to live!

God began to deal with me about living in my strength. So, I committed to seek God. I studied the Bible, and through a series of teachings, I felt as if, for the first time in my life, I understood the Gospel. I gave my life to Jesus anew and joined the Apostolic Faith Mission Church. With God’s help, I was able to stop smoking after almost 19 years of addiction.

My Call to Ministry

I felt a calling to ministry and to teach. I was unsure how this would be possible with my busy work schedule. However, I began looking for ministry training, and God opened doors with the City Changers Ministry program first.

Growing into maturity is a gradual process, which is still ongoing. I appreciate the metaphor of a walk with God. God dealt with my insecurities over my tattoo very early on in my walk. The deceiver tried to convince me that I did not belong in God’s family and challenged my identity continually. But, God spoke to me through Luke 15 on the prodigal son and clarified my identity as a son of God.

The church branched out with an English campus, and I serve there as a Sunday school teacher and run a cell group on Wednesdays. My wife also serves as a Sunday school teacher, while my son and daughter both enjoy attending with us.

Ministry Training at CLI and a Degree at CLI

I have been out of school for twenty-five years now. Seeking to get recognized ministry training, I was looking for a degree program. That is when a friend suggested the Christian Leaders Institute. I appreciate the opportunity to study at no cost and get myself back into being a student. Ultimately, I would like to look at getting a degree through the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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