Debt-free ministry training

Debt-Free Ministry Training

Seven in 10 seniors (69%) who graduated from public and nonprofit colleges in 2014 had student loan debt, with an average of $28,950 per borrower. According to State by State data  in the USA. Due to this huge amount of student debt only increasing, Christian Leaders Institute is providing an opportunity for debt-free ministry training everywhere.

“As you will hear over and over about CLI, I, like a lot of people, do not have the funds to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for this training,”CLI student Joseph Litchfield said. “I don’t have the time to go to a campus to study for several years to get the training as I have three children, a wife, and a mortgage. This is an opportunity that I do not take lightly, and what this program and school can do to spread the word of God is unimaginable.”

Over the last decade—from 2004 to 2014—the share of college graduates with debt rose modestly (from 65% to 69%) while average debt at graduation rose at more than twice the rate of inflation.
CLI is thankful that God has given the means to provide people debt-free ministry training all over the world.
“Without a scholarship from CLI, I would not be able to continue and likely would not have started seeking ministry,” CLI student Kina Mann said. “With a family of six, every dollar counts! I believe that God is telling me this is where I belong. I am excited, and trying to be patient, to see where this path will take me. I know where it ends – but the ride will be incredible!”
Another CLI student Adurodola Gideon is thankful also for the opportunity of debt-free ministry training that CLI provides for him in Nigeria.

“I believe a scholarship at CLI is an opportunity for me,” Gideon said. “I had been longing for an international training opportunity. That’s because I believe it would expose me to the knowledge I need for success in ministry. My ministry dream requires knowledge.”

CLI is beyond blessed to be able to have so many wonderful students achieving their dreams and not having huge college debts.

“Having a scholarship to CLI is a key part to my ministry dream,” CLI student Carrie Mayes said. “Recently getting married we now have a large family. We are still trying to get caught up from when both my husband and I had to miss a great deal of work due to medical concerns. And when we were not behind on bills left over money to have for schooling was not an option. I would never have been able to continue with my ministry without this opportunity that CLI has given me with the scholarship.”

Not only does CLI offer debt-free ministry training, but it is “high quality.” In fact, Calvin SeminaryWestern Seminary and Northern Baptist Seminary will take the Bachelor of Divinity Degree from CLI as a basis to apply for getting a master at one of those seminaries.

Also check out Craig Van Gelder endorsement of CLI high quality debt-free ministry training.

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