Deacon Ministry Call

Deacon Ministry Call

I am Shelby Weissgerber and I have a deacon ministry call on my life. I currently live in the state of Ohio in the USA. I grew up in a military family and have had the opportunity to live in several different states. I moved to Ohio in 2008 and have chosen to make it my home. I find it to be a family-friendly area where we are free to raise our children in the church of our choosing and set forth Christian principles and goals for our family.

As a child growing up in upstate New York, my family did not attend church. I had a deep desire to go to Sunday services and often tagged along with friends who participated in regular church services. I became actively involved in a youth group and volunteered to serve others whenever I had the chance. I frequented the local shelters and soup kitchens to serve wherever there was a need. I still have a great passion for helping others which is key to my deacon ministry call. I am currently working on starting a new ministry that involves providing the homeless with counseling and shelter along with basic necessities.

My dream would be to continue to grow in my walk with the Lord. I desire to find new ways to help others and reach those who have not yet had the seed of faith planted in them. Taking this course has helped me make spiritual connections between my aspirations and my God-given drive. I want to continue my work for the Lord in my deacon ministry call. I feel that continuing my education through Christian Leaders Institute will allow me to do this.

I personally identify the most with the title of Youth Leader. I currently work in a church child care facility that ministers to youth in an inner-city setting. The children that I work with daily have been removed from their homes because of drug use and exposure. Teaching these children to turn to Jesus can often be difficult when they don’t understand what’s going on within their families. They are scared and confused and wondering where their parents are. Often they have never received the word of God before so I get the privilege of introducing it to them!

I have faced my own struggles and have been saved by the grace of God. After going through a bad marriage and a worse divorce and struggling with dependency and depression, I learned that I can do nothing without God. Everything I am is because of Him. If I can help just one person because of my trials and turn them toward God and His word, I will feel as though what I have gone through was worth it.

I don’t think I would be here today if it weren’t for Jesus. I want to share and spread that to those who have fallen into depression and despair. There is hope. Things can change. The Bible has taught me that God’s love is unconditional. He forgives and so should we. My own pastor has worked closely as a mentor to me and I am working with our church to help build a shelter for homelessness and recovery in our city.

My children are young, 6 years old and 6 months old. My daughter, 6, already has such a love for God and shares His word with everyone. She has taught me how to have a loving heart and bring joy to others. She reads her Bible to her baby brother daily. My husband is supportive and volunteers his time and trade skills to help construct or fix whatever our buildings need. I am truly blessed with an amazing family that God has given me to show me all about true love and how wonderful it is!

A scholarship from Christian Leaders Institute means the ability to grow in my faith and ministry when I would otherwise be unable to do so. As someone who is employed by a Christian organization, I do not make a lot of money. Obviously, I do what I do for the calling, not for the income. Without this scholarship, I would not be able to afford to continue my education. I would appreciate prayers for the opening, growth and community impact of the homeless shelter we are working so hard to open. Thank you!

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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