Deacon Calling

Deacon Calling – Ready to Serve

My name is Michelle Hopwood. I currently live in Pennsylvania in the United States. I am so thankful for finding CLI as I have followed my deacon calling! The word deacon translated from “diakonos” means “one who executes the commands of another, especially of a master, as a servant, attendant, minister”. I am called to love and serve others for God.

I was raised in a Christian home and went to church every Sunday and Wednesday night. I had heard all of the Bible stories and went on all of the youth group trips. The problem was everything I had heard and been exposed to didn’t penetrate my heart and soul. I never questioned God’s love for me or the ultimate sacrifice of his Son to save me, but I had always thought to be a Christian meant all rules and no fun.

I ended up as a single mom, married and then divorced. I was not living the life I was called to live. God had a greater purpose for me but I fought back. I went on to a successful career in sales and remarried and now have another daughter. Despite my rebellion, God never gave up on me. After my youngest daughter was born, I started to struggle with the life I was leading. I wasn’t doing anything “bad” really, but I was not teaching my daughter enough about God’s love. Not only was I not teaching her, but I was not being the example I should have been. I decided to change all of that. My husband and I found a church, I started homeschooling my daughter, but most importantly, I got back into God’s Word!

Several months later, I felt led to quit my job and focus on Matthew 25:40. “The King will answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” I felt a deacon calling to start an outreach ministry and I know I cannot serve God without serving others. We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves and that is my ministry dream.

The Getting Started class and the Christian Basics class have reminded me of the need to have priorities in line with God always at the top of that list. We get so busy in life that sometimes, we go through the motions without paying attention to the whys and the hows.

Learn more about Deacon Minister Ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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