Credible Ministry Training

Credible Officiant Training

Greetings. My name is Douglas. This CLI training is Credible Officiant Training perfect for my situation.

I was raised in the church, baptised at an early age, and was devout until the 15th year of my life… My challenge came from the church “firing” our pastor at the time. A man I loved and brought vibrancy to our small congregation.

So, I left the church, asking God why He would allow such a thing to happen and who were these evil people leading our church? For the next 40 years, I stayed away from the church, referring to myself as spiritual rather than religious. Then, I was asked by a dear friend to officiate their marriage ceremony, since I’m a notary, and allowed by state law to solemnize marriages.

I agreed.

Off I went down this path. Little did I know, it was God’s hand helping me find my way back to Him. Now as I’m blessed to spend time with these couples on one of the happiest days of their life, I reflect on Matthew 19:5-6 and 1 Corinthians 13: 4-13. Having answered the call to establish a marriage ministry, I deepen my knowledge and understanding of our (and my) relationship with God.

I’ve been blessed to perform 150 weddings to date using an online ordination. Now having found CLI, I wish to legitimize my ministry ordination. I ask for prayer from all who read this for strength to continue on this path, and for blessings, upon those, I’m privileged to give a start down the path of “we” and their newly formed family.

This Credible Officiant Training is registered at the Christian Leaders Church website…

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