Bible School Student -Christian Leaders Institute strives to maintain a standard of excellence that rivals accredited seminaries all over the world. The Bible school courses offered at CLI are put together and taught by faculty who have obtained degrees from seminaries, and many have masters and doctorates in their fields. Many Bible school classes at CLI ask students to reflect on the course and what they learned from it. Constantine Mapfumo offers his reflection on Sermon Construction and Presentation.

Constantine begins by saying, “I really thank God so much for according me this opportunity of being part of this very important preaching class at Christian Leaders Institute. To me it was a great blessing to learn about sermon construction and how to present a sermon.” He further says “This preaching class has taught me what to do in scripture selection. I do not have to just pick up a scripture, but with the help of the source, the Holy Spirit, I have to consider the audience in my mind and the place of my presentation, and also the material I need to present.” Further along, he adds that “Sermon introduction was once a problem to me and I have found it one of the failing points of many lay preachers. It is very true that the introduction of a sermon will determine the attention of your listeners. If the introduction is poor you have to work hard to awaken them with the points of your sermon.” Constantine demonstrates throughout his paper that this Bible school course was a great resource for him in his sermon. He ends by saying “I give glory to God for all the people. He has deposited in them the experiences that I have learned from as He prepares me to be an effective sermon constructor and good sermon presenter.”

Bible School Certificates at Christian Leaders Institute

At CLI, each student must go through the course Getting Started: Christian Basics Certificate before they can continue on to other courses, such as Sermon Construction and Presentation. In this course, they are introduced to the Bible school model at Christian Leaders Institute and they are also asked to introduce their ministry goals and reasons for coming to CLI to the faculty. Constantine describes his ministry goals this way: “My ministry dream is to evangelize and plant churches. I want to be a strong leader able to teach others who will reproduce to the next generations. It is my desire to Christian Leadership Institute being established in Zimbabwe.” At Christian Leaders Institute, our ministry vision is to help people like Constantine carry out his ministry vision by providing them the proper training. We pray that through Christian Leaders Institute God will prepare leaders for a great revival throughout the world.

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