Conference Center Ministry

Conference Center Ministry

Read below about Brianna’s desire to use her training with CLI to bless the people she encounters at her job in a conference center ministry:

My name is Brianna Iler. I am currently living in Cannon Beach, Oregon, United States. I work at a Christian Conference Center here where retreats or conferences of believers will come for a week or weekend to be refreshed, renewed, learn, and be encouraged from the other believers they are around. We get to serve them and bless them while they are here before they head back out to their various jobs and ministries of their own. It’s enjoyable ministry work, but many people that I work with are hurting and lonely. So another girl and I have been praying about our conference center ministry and how we can be ministering, not just to the guests who come through, but also to the staff who need prayer and friendship.

I grew up in a church and accumulated a lot of head knowledge over the years, but it was not until I was 20 that I made the heart change and truly gave my life over to Christ. I was attending Arrowhead Bible College, a yearlong program, and it was like drinking from a firehose. There was so much information and I was just so ready for it. I realized I had a lot of head knowledge but I didn’t really know God, and I wanted to more than anything else.

My ministry dream is to follow God for the rest of my life. I am at a place in my life where I don’t know what God has in store for me. He is teaching me patience to follow him without knowing what is ahead, and I want to be ready and equipped to serve him with everything that I am wherever I am and in whatever I am doing. There will always be ministry in my life if I am willing to listen to God and let him speak through me.

This class at Christian Leaders Institute has really strengthened my ministry dream. I was tired when I began it, thinking I’d just plug away at it and see how it went. I knew that I should continue learning always, and God has used the information I’ve learned to spark the desire for learning even more and to encourage me to continue so that I am always ready when he calls.

Studying the Bible itself has given me so much more confidence that I am living my life in the way Christ said to and there always seems to be more I can pull from it. I want to learn how to study God’s word deeper, to get more from it and understand it better than I do now. After I became a believer, I had to rethink everything I did. I would search the Bible to find what it says about how to be living. God helped me turn completely around and walk the other way.

CLI is the first place I have found where I can be where I am, working in ministry and not making enough money for school, but still get schooling, still be preparing to better help those I am around and work with. Every other place I have looked at is a full-time commitment. I appreciate so much that I can keep learning at CLI, as I am able to take it wherever God calls me and continue learning even now.

Pray for guidance as to how we can be reaching out and getting to know people better, as well as how we can be building a Christ-centered community for God’s glory to strengthen us all in our service and ministry to the guests.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.


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