CLI Ministry Training- Equipping God’s Called Leaders
“Evangelist and Church Teacher are the words I identify most from the ordination by CLI. In case of revival calling I place myself as fetus. I have a call to teach the bible and preach the Gospel, but still waiting my time while using effectively the opportunity I have. As I mentioned before I served as a small group leader and during that time I taught and preached the word. I used my gifts because the grace of God helped me to train a bunch of leaders in three years and even the group I left is now with two other leaders who received the group from me.” – Bibiyam Fikadu Geleta, CLI ministry training student
CLI Ministry Training Blessing Those To Advance The Kingdom In Ethiopia
My name is Bibiyam Fikadu Geleta. I was born on December 03, 1984 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I’m not married but on the way if Lord wants me to. I’m always active in reading and learning new things in the free time I have. I like to play basketball, table tennis, chess and pool in my recreational time.
I have a B.Pharm from Mekelle University, Ethiopia. I’m always in search and learning theological education online base including from CLI ministry school and many other short term and long term classes. I obviously use Viber and Facebook to communicate with both believers and unbelievers to exchange ideas of biblical truths.
I was raised within a divorced family where my mother was a singer (worldly song). My mother was always reading the bible even though she was in the world which didn’t resemble what she read to me and told me. This act of my mother led me to read the bible since I was 8. When I was an elementary school student I was preaching the gospel even though I was under the influence of my uncle. I was believed but didn’t have any communion with Christians but God used me to lead others to the truth.
While I was in high school and university I asked my Christian friends to take me to the local church, but none of them responded to my request because everybody was taking my word as jokes. After my graduation I came to realize that I should be involved in communion with the brothers and sisters and I did it by moving to the local church near to me. Immediately after I responded to the call of the Holy Spirit within me, God started to use me while I was a student of Salvation education. God talked me in visions and dreams. Since then He promised to use me till I compensated the years I lost in delusion between the godly and worldly life. I started living in peace and dependent on the Lord of my soul.
I was a servant, as a leader and teacher of youth, in the Youth Ministry of Ethiopian Full Gospel Church, Gullele local church. I served for three years in this ministry and it was hard but by the grace of God, Jesus did it through me. I currently moved to Egypt and one of the church found in Cairo, the Army of Righteousness Church accepted my service as a teacher and I’m just preparing myself to serve the Lord in this country.
Christian Leaders Institute contributed a priceless contribution in my fellowship with the Bible. From CLI I learned how to read and dig out the exact meaning of Scripture technically. I learned how to deal with believers, how to council, how to preach, how to teach … In addition, I can’t explain the great contribution of forum discussions and posts, and the sequential courses in Biblical Greek. In short term God highly used Christian Leaders Institute to build me up for the current and the future service in the Kingdom. In addition to the quality education from the institute the Ordination helped me for the acceptability of my service by the church.
In my previous location it was comfortable geographically to work the kingdom’s work. But now I can’t say anything because I’m just arriving there and not familiar with this area. But I believe that because I moved there due to the call of God I’m sure there may be challenges and the delivering power of God with me. The local church is accepting me as a servant of God and offering me an opportunity to serve the Lord.
God has equipped me with CLI ministry online training and other personal and educational experiences, and giving me a mission to stand against the false teachers and prophets not by focusing on their false teachings but by teaching and preaching the truth of the Word. And as I mentioned it earlier God used CLI ministry school and equipping me in so many powerful weapons that helping me to reveal the truth from the Word of God. CLI ministry school is the answer for my prayer because in the time I couldn’t pay anything for education. God put a desire to learn the Word but also CLI in parallel. The most amazing thing about CLI ministry is that they started ordination in the time I called for wider service. CLI already doing what was expected to make me stand for teaching.
I also wish if you pray for me to follow the will of God in doing everything that benefits the kingdom of God and lead others to salvation. In serving the Lord human wisdom (worldly philosophy and thoughts) and self desire are the obstacles that need to be removed, so please pray for my ministry to be cleansed from the teachings which lead to astray. God bless Christian Leaders Institute.
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