CLI Bible Training for Free

My name is James Borbor, and I am receiving CLI Bible training for free. I am from West Africa, the Republic of Liberia. My wife, our three children, and I live in Kakata Marbibi county. Growing up in a great Christian family, I had the opportunity to attend church services every Sunday. I went with my mother, stepfather, little brothers and sisters to a Pentecostal Church. Over the years, I have had the privilege to work and served as an evangelist, Sunday school teacher, senior Pastor, as well as working on several building projects as a mission director. I have tried getting some level of training through webinars, seminars, and local minister training workshops in my country.

The challenges in my country as a minister are enormous and cannot be overemphasized. They are all due to poverty and starvation. It has created a culture where there are more professed Christians than those living as born again Christians.


While growing up as a child, I enjoyed the comfort of a biological father and mother who were loving and wanted the best for me. During the civil unrest in my country that lasted for about 14 years, I was separated from my father due to his death in the war. I was left with my mother. My mother needed someone else to serve as my father and married my stepfather. Life got more difficult for me and my family. We had to walk 45 miles from Monrovia to Kakata Margibi county. I was just seven years old. I saw and experienced the worst forms of human brutality waged on innocent citizens while on our way to Kakata seeking a safe haven.

By 2004, my mother and spiritual counselor fell sick with type 2 diabetes. Her illness lasted for about four years until her death on December 13, 2008. My mother played a significant role in bringing me close to Christ. She encouraged a walk with God the Father. When my mother died, as the oldest brother of six children, I joined my father of 57 years old to care for my siblings to date.

My Calling and Finding CLI Bible Training Online

In it all, I give glory to the Almighty God for allowing me to come to know His son Jesus Christ in those turbulent times. In 2009, I had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ who gave me these instructions in Acts 26:18, “to open their eyes and turn them from the power of Satan and bring them under the power of God, that they may receive forgiveness of their sins.”

Since that time, I walked with the Lord in obedience and submission to His will and for His kingdom. I wish to advance the kingdom of God with the training acquired from the Christian Leaders Institute. Then I can teach other Christian leaders in my country and wherever possible. CLI Bible training is helping me achieve my ministry goals. It opened my eyes and connected me with great ministers of the Word in my country. The CLI Bible training will go a long way for me. It equips me to bring other Christian leaders in the ministry building a Biblical culture. I wish to get as much training as possible at CLI. The free CLI Bible training is the greatest opportunity I have come across online. For me, CLI is a dream come true! God bless CLI!

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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