Christian Witness

Christian Witness

My name is Robert McConkey and this is my Christian witness. I reside now in Commerce City, Colorado. I was born in Champagne, Illinois, and when I was older, my parents and I moved to California. When I was born, my mother delivered me, and she didn’t even know she was pregnant. She thought that she was feeling ill, and went to the restroom, where she delivered me. I was born breach, and when I came out, it looked to my mother, as if I was praying. I was a miracle birth in that regard.

When I was 10 years old, I was very curious about Jesus Christ. I wanted to know about Him, and why those who hated Him, sentenced Him to death, and why He had to die. Later, I went to a Billy Graham Crusade and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.  He became real to me when he touched my heart. It was such a wonderful experience that I cried.

When I was 17 years old, I joined a missionary organization called “Teen Missions International”. I joined teen teams going to Indonesia and Hungary, with some stops at other countries along the way. On one of the teams, we debriefed in Switzerland. In my 30’s, I joined YWAM (Youth With A Mission), once for a short-term and another for a long-term team. The first one was to Jamaica, and the longer one was to Brazil. So missions became part of me and my Christian witness. Before this, I also graduated from Sierra Pacific Bible College, where I received my Diploma in Ministry.

In my 40’s, I became an Associate Of The Order Of The Holy Cross, in order to maintain a semblance of balance in my life. Later I became an ordained Pastor as well as still being a missionary. I have had struggles in my life because of my disability (I am moderately autistic) that is noticeable, but I am gradually overcoming it. My spiritual dream is both to fulfill His purpose for my life and continue to spread the Gospel to all nations.

I enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute in order to help me be a more effective minister of the risen Christ, also to be strengthened in my Christian witness. I am always learning and growing through this classes at CLI. The courses I am taking here are to help me have a discerning heart and to become the pastor I was called to be. I am completely on-fire for God and his Word is like “fire shut up in my bones.”

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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