Christian Training for Ministry at CLI


I am Joel A Magambo, from Kabale, Uganda. The firstborn of three – two sisters and a foster brother, I am 19 years old. I grew up in a Christian family. My father is a church Pastor. Being a student at Christian Leaders Institute is enjoyable and enriching (Learn more about online Bible courses, Click Here). Through the Christian training for ministry at CLI, I have been exposed to Biblical truth that I once took for granted. Now I realize the power of that truth. Growing up, I knew the Lord from attending church services, daily devotions at home, the knowledge of the scriptures through Bible reading, and family prayer daily.

My Spiritual Journey

At the age of 12, I received Jesus Christ as my Savior. For five years, there was no change in my life, and I was comfortable with the way my life was. After receiving Jesus as my Savior, I entered high school with its many challenges. There was social media pressure, trying to be like every other teenager, and having a lot of non- Christian friends.  These bad influences led me to compromise on certain things, but they did not make me turn away from the Lord.

For the first four of the six years of high school, I continued with Bible reading, family devotions, attending church services, and making compromises to fit in. However, the final two years of high school were are a turning point for me. I realized that God doesn’t want me to keep on living a life of compromises. From that moment, I was determined to live for Christ alone. I found peace in my relationship with Jesus Christ.

The final year of High School was also a highlight year. Amidst the COVID 19 Pandemic, I grew closer to God through the CLI online Sunday services. I also had to change schools in my final year. I saw that as a chance to grow more in the knowledge of God. Further, I made good Christian friends that could encourage me, and I have grown to know Christ more and more since then.

My Calling and Study at CLI

I realized my calling to the ministry as I was involved in teaching the children. Growing up, I never imagined I would be involved in active ministry. Yet, as I got to know Christ more, I found myself enjoying serving the Lord. My goal is to know Christ more and proclaim him more. I want to tell my friends and contacts about God and how He loves them to the point of sending His Son to take their punishment. In addition, I plan to get more involved in evangelism church programs like door-to-door evangelism and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost.

I am really excited about the opportunity of high-quality Christian training for ministry at CLI. Unfortunately, it was inaccessible due to the education trends and curricula in my country. I hope this training will be a spiritually enriching journey that impacts my life and those around me. Furthermore, this training will give me the skills to serve Christ through enterprise training and other ventures. Then I can mentor other young Christian business minds for the remainder of my life. I also want to encourage the youth to have an enjoyable Christian life full of the Spirit.