Christian Mission Training

Christian Mission Training

Christan Leaders Institute bring Christian Mission Training for free! Danya van Deventer has a calling on her life. Read her power story that has brought her to England, back to South Africa and beyond. She is getting her Christian Mission Training at CLI!

My name is Danya van Deventer.
I am a South African. I was born on December 3rd, 1993 in Rustenburg,
South Africa.I had the amazing privilege to grow up in a Holy Spirit
filled, Jesus-centered home.I remember as a small child I would always
be at all the prayer meetings, church services, and Bible study
groups my parents attended.This way of life inspired me to devote
myself to God from a young age.

I distinctly remember the first time I decided to give my heart to the
Lord.I was eight years old and in a Sunday school class.The Sunday
school teacher told us all about Jesus dying for us.I hung on to her
every word.When we were asked if we wanted to say the
sinner’s prayer, I was the first one with my hand up.I remember
feeling Gods love as I prayed the prayer and although I was a bit
young to understand all that went on, I felt something change inside my heart.

Two years later at the age of ten, I was at a church service with my mother.
As we listened to the sermon, The Holy Spirit convicted my heart. I knew that it was time to rededicate my heart to the Lord.On our way home from the service, I asked my mom some questions about a personal relationship with Jesus.

As soon as we got home, my mom and I prayed and talked together about
the love of the father and what Jesus had done for us as sinners.How He gives us the free will to choose Him or not.I loved horseriding at that stage, and my mother used an example of a person trying to ride two horses at the same time with one foot on each horse representing the world with its ways of doing things and compromise and Jesus with a life of obedience and fullness in Christ.

She said you could only ride both horses for so long before you fall off because they will split and you will end up in the dirt.She explained how God would never force us to make the right choice because of its a free choice but once we made that decision to follow Him only, there is no turning back unless we reject Jesus as our savior.I had a true conviction of sin. And confessed every sin I could think off and even broke my worldly cd”s by my choice.

My heart was overwhelmed with joy and as I gave my life over to Jesus
I was filled with the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit filled me with a joy that bubbled up inside me, and my life was never the same again.

That night my life was completely changed, inThe Holy Spirit now lived inside of me and I want that moment sure of the fact that I became a
child of God.

From that day on, through I started hearing the Holy Spirit speak to me through His Word, visions, and dreams. I was given many prophetic words from the Lord saying that I will go to the nations and make his name known.

At this time we as a family ( my mom my dad and my younger sister) was in the process of immigration the United Kingdom. My parents moved there as a step of obedience, not knowing what awaits them in a foreign country.All they knew was God spoke and they followed.We came there each with a suitcase and a backpack leaving all we had behind in our pursuit of following where Jesus leads without question.

This was both exciting and scary but we believed that God had sent us there for a purpose.During our time in England, we grew closer together as a family.We took many walks in the beautiful English countryside and traveled most of the UK together. We origanally stayed in London but my dad”s work needed somebody in Manchester.

We lived in a small village in between Manchester and Liverpool.The first few months was very hard without a good church and church family.But after lots of prayer we finally found an amazing church in Liverpool and knew since we walked in, that it was home.

We ended up moving to Liverpool because of our involvement in church and my dad commuted to work.

We were welcomed and loved like part of their own family and because of the amazing love we experienced there we were completely changed.Although we were very much a middleclass family in South Africa we were brought to a place of utter and total reliance on Christ living in a new country where foreigners struggle to make ends meat.All of that taught my parents and I to walk humbly with God and trust Him in ever step you take.

At this church God built a good foundation of the Word into my heart.I am so grateful that I was included(at age ten) in all the bible studies, church activities and even prayer meetings. That was really the foundation of my growth in Christ.We were treated as leaders and just the same as our parents.We were challenged to step out in the areas of calling God placed in our lives.

This season in England was a season of change and
growth and I feel so blessed to have had that opportunity to grow and
be treated like an adult even though I was in my teenage years.I
believe personally, there is no junior Holy Spirit.God is willing
to use us all whether we are young or old. I believe for me personally
that the time I spent in England was to prepare me for future
missions God had in mind.

In 2009 God called us back to South Africa.The Lord spoke very clearly to us through various people and scriptures that it was time to move back to South Africa.Although we didnt understand why we knew, we could not resist the Holy Spirit”s leading.We officially moved back in 2010.

Through the obedience of my parents towards God, I learned how
important it is to put God first and to always act on what he asks us
to do, whether it is difficult or not.My family has always been
supportive of my ministry and missions dreams.They have shown me first hand to follow where God leads me no matter how uncomfortable it may be and have inspired me to trust God with every situation big or

My dad struggled to find a consistant job because his profesion is of such a nature that he doesnt get a monthly income but relies on contract work in IT training.

When he finaly got an huge offer in Swellendam as a IT programmer we all felt relieve but God had other plans.The Lord didnt allow my dad to take that offer because He wanted us to stay in Rustenburg and be involved at a specific church there.I remember how hard it was for my dad to lay it down but the great sence of relieve and peace he felt when he finely gave up his own will.

To this day my dad is still working contract based Microsoft training and we still need to trust God every month to supply enough to pay the bills.We dont have a fixed income so we cant afford fancy cars and has to rent a very basic house.But God is faithful and supplies in all our needs as we put Him first.

I met a friend who introduced me to the Operation mobilisation ship, called Logos Hope. This conversation reminded me of something that God had been speaking to me since I was 10 years old.In that moment I remembered what God had said about me going to the nations.The longing to go for missions grew even more in my heart. I did not know it at that time but God was preparing me through meeting this young man to go for missions on the Logos Hope.

God made a way for me to do the training and join Logos Hope for three years. At this time I was 19 years old without money and my parents had very limited income. The Lord convicted three people to sponsor me to join the Logos Hope without me even asking. That was incredable!

I joined Logos Hope in Cambodia and basicly ended my contract with them at Cambodia. The amasing thing was that I always knew that I will oneday minister in South East Asia.

I believe my time on Logos Hope prepared me for my future ministry and I trust to return there oneday setting up a ministry for the orphaned and abused children.

What is my ministry dream?
My ministry dream is to be an effective pastor/ youth pastor.I have a
passion for the younger generations to be set on fire for God.They are
all the future revival carriers.My ministry dream is to set up teams
and churches that go all out for God.People who are fearless to share
the gospel to pray for the sick and do street ministry and reach out to the lost and broken.I want to be used by God to bring the kingdom of heaven down to earth.I want to see revival leaders raised up and mobilized to change the world one
person at a time.

Papa God also gave me a heart for the people of Cambodia.I was there
In 2015 for three months with a team from the Logos Hope.We worked with the orphans and local churches.Our main project was to build a church in one of the rural areas.This was an amazing experience and this brought me closer to the people.God put a burden in my heart for the children.It was heartbreaking to find out about the wrongs done to the children and women sexually.Cambodia is one of the countries in Asia most exposed to child prostitution and human
trafficking.My heart has broken by God for these people and the many
difficult situations they face in this country. My dream is to go back
to Cambodia and set up either an orphanage or a place where women and children can be helped to stay off the streets.

Why is Christian leaders institute so important to me? I have a desire to be in fulltime ministry and to be used by God to full capacity. It could also help me to get a good biblical foundation in the Word and a better knowledge in Theology and to be better equiped for ministry.

It would be a wonderful privilege to be a student of Gods Word and to better myself in knowledge and understanding of His Word.

It is my goal not only to have all the knowledge of the Word but to really know Jesus as the Word and to apply what I learn in my daily life and change people’s lives where I live and work.

At the moment, I am doing a part time job as an Aupair so that I can have some sort of income to cover my needs but its just
enough for basic because its not a sleep in job. I needed a job thats more flexable and gives me free time on weekends so that I can be fully involved at church.But it puts me in need of finances to study.

I believe the Lord led me to Christian Leaders Institute for a reason.I prayed about provision and a way to study to become a pastor and God provided.God is so faithful and I want to make that known to all.

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