christian ministry training

                               “CLI’s christian ministry training is so important because it is vital to have                                                  some type of training before launching out into ministry. The classes available at CLI are a great resource and I can’t wait to go even further into the different topics. Ministry is not just passion to do the will of God, I believe He also wants us equipped with knowledge and that is what CLI’s free online christian ministry training is doing, equipping Christian leaders with the knowledge they need to do the work of the Lord.”

Young Christian On Fire For Christ Receiving Her Free Online Christian Ministry Training

I currently live in the United States and have been here all of my life. It is an amazing opportunity to be a part of the Christian ministry here in the U.S. There are so many amazing ministries to join with and it is such a blessing to be able to pretty much be open about your faith. Although we are moving towards a time where the Christian faith is under fire and our very foundation is being called “close-minded” and “hateful”, there are many believers still standing for the truth of God’s Word here in the U.S.

I came to know the Lord as a child, maybe around 10 years old. I always attended church with my family but 10 is when I really became aware of who God was and what it meant to be saved. I always believed what I was taught in church about how Jesus died for me, but the Lord began to speak to me as a child and I just knew it was Him. He would help me when I had simple issues by telling me how to solve them, He even told me what I needed to do to see my prayers answered. I remember vividly as a child that my mother was having back pain. While she was asleep the Lord told me to lay my hands on her back and pray for her. In the morning she told everyone about how much better her back felt. What a testimony for a child to experience a miracle right before my eyes! From then on, He continued to speak to me and I had an overwhelming desire to learn of Him and live for Him. My walk continued to grow and even as a young adult I still yearn to learn more and live a life that brings Him glory.

My ministry dream is to reach young adults and women, to teach them about the love of Christ and what it means to live a holy, righteous life before Him. I want to teach children and young adults about purity, Godly relationships, and other life issues that plague the young generation. I want to teach women that Christ’s love is all we need and He longs to be all of the love and acceptance we find ourselves looking for in the wrong places. I have a great desire to see all of God’s people know their worth and identity in Christ and the abundant life God has called us to live. I identify most with being a youth leader and minister to women as that is where my passion lies. Those two groups of people need Jesus more than ever and I want to help them find Him.

I was prompted to pursue christian ministry training as I just began to grow in Christ and became unsatisfied with only going to church and not serving. I am a strong believer that as we learn, we are to teach, a Maya Angelou quote. I know that the Lord hasn’t brought me this far to keep to myself. We are all a part of the great commission to go and preach the gospel to the nations. We have a purpose in whatever area He has placed us in, job, neighborhood, city, etc. and that is to spread Christ. I want to make sure I complete my task in this life and leave this world knowing I have done what the Lord called me to do.

It is also a great honor to be able to do ministry alongside my wonderful mother. She is also a CLI christian ministry training student and pursuing the call on her life to teach the people of God. It is a great experience to have someone so close to me love Jesus with all their heart. It is also great to communicate about Jesus all the time and learn from one another as we delve into biblical studies both individually and together.

You can pray for me in ministry for direction and guidance to the right people and the right time. You can also pray for boldness to continue to step out on faith and trust where the Lord is leading me in my call.

Fulfilling Our Calling By Enrolling In Christian Ministry Training

 With Christian Leaders Institute, we are dedicated to building up revival leaders to become a minister of the gospel! With free online christian ministry training, future ministers, pastors, evangelists, church planters, missionaries, and teachers of the Word can greatly increase their biblical knowledge to help prosper the Kingdom of God! Enroll today for this amazing opportunity! Click here to fill out our enrollment form.

God bless!

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