Christian ministry study

Greetings in the name of the Lord! My name is Anggiat Mangapul Malau, and I am blessed with the Christian ministry study program at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about Studying the Bible, Click Here). I am from Indonesia, 51 years old, married to a devoted Christian wife, Lisbet Kristina Hutagalung. In my family, we have a daughter, Naomi, and two sons, Timothy and Yakhin.

My Childhood

From my childhood, I grew up in a Christian family. My father was a deacon in our local church, and my mother has been an active church member. As a child, I was also an active Sunday school member in my church. I was always involved in church activities, such as children’s choir or vocal group and Sunday school. My favorite church activity was to ring the church bell every Sunday at 6.00 am.

However, all of this activity did not automatically help me grow in the knowledge of the Gospel and Christ. It also did not give me an intimate relationship with the Lord. In fact, for me, church-going was more like a tradition. It was simply a religion. However, the seed of getting to know the Lord was planted in my heart.

Saved by God’s Grace

In the early ’90s, at a college Bible study, the leader discussed being a true believer in Christ. Going through the Biblical discussions, praying, and questions exchange, I realized how sinful my life was. I was unworthy even to be called God’s child. At this time, I understood the price Christ paid on the cross for my sin and salvation.

Since that time, I repented of my sin and knew that Jesus loves me unconditionally. I committed to following Jesus as my Savior and Master. Therefore, me serving in the campus fellowship, my local church, and eventually in my professional work field was for the Glorious God! I even dreamed of studying theology and, God willing, to become a pastor one day.

My Professional Work

From late 1996 until the Covid-19 pandemic, I worked as a crew on a cruise ship sailing worldwide. During this period of time, I was involved in the ministry on-board for fellow crewmembers. Usually, I took my turn in leading Indonesian Christian fellowship, and once in a while, I also attended the International group. Christian Seaman Mission from shore-side also supported our fellowship. Further, the Alaska Seaman Mission is the one that constantly supported us by providing Christian literature, movies, etc. When I first visited Alaska in the summer of 1997, I met missionaries there. Since then, I knew there is a Mission to seafarers. They were able to help with so many things in our fellowship, however, not with ministry and teaching.

Opportunity for Christian Ministry Study at CLI

During this difficult pandemic time, God gave me an opportunity for a Christian ministry study while being home at this period of time. I thank God for directing me to the generous Christian Leaders Institute website. CLI really gives me new hope that I can take the courses for free. These courses are essential to me. I definitely need them for whichever pathway the Lord will lead me.

If the cruise ship opens again, I long to minister better for the crew fellowship. By taking these courses, I will be more prepared to lead the fellowship group with sound teaching. On-board the cruise ship, we do not have any ordained Christian minister anymore. So we had to handle the service ourselves despite limited skill and knowledge.

If I work and adapt to a new normal life on land, I can be more useful in my local church and community ministry with the CLI training. Additionally, during this open Internet era, Apologetics has become more openly discussed online by many religious groups, including the Muslims. The more I know about the Bible and Christian ministry, the better I can share the Gospel of Jesus. Wherever else our Lord directs, may I boldly say, “Here am I; send me”(Isa 6:8). It is my prayer.

The CLI courses reignited my long-abandoned dream to study God’s word and Christ’s ministry formally. I hope to succeed with the support and prayer of CLI, my family, parents, and Christian friends. I know I am weak and with so many limitations, language and cultural barriers, and many other things, yet I know our Lord is a living God. Though I am weak, He is strong (2 Corinthians 12:9, Philippians 4:13). Soli Deo Gloria!


Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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