Christian Leaders Warrior

Christian Leaders Warrior

My name is Sekai Machekano, and I am a Christian Leaders Warrior studying ministry training at CLI. I was born on the 19th of July 1986 I’m from Zimbabwe but based in the United Republic of Tanzania. I grew up in a family of seven children being the 6th child. As we grew up, I had many challenges spiritually. I was superstitious. For example, I was afraid of a chicken. My mother told me that one night when we were asleep I shouted that a chicken wanted to bite me. It affected me so that I ended up hating even the meat of chicken up until I got saved. I also had health challenges as I was a premature baby, but our God is faithful. I say Ebenezer – “this far he has taken me.”

Early Church Life as a Christian Leaders Warrior

I grew up in the Salvation Army church, and at an early age, I’d play the tambourine and sing in the choir. Being very young at that time, I wouldn’t miss Sunday school or any church activities including camp meetings. Somewhere, somehow, I felt there’s something upon me. I couldn’t figure out what it was exactly. I enjoyed singing and praying. Then, I joined the Scripture Union at school. There we learned the Word of God and how to pray. I didn’t face many obstacles in school. But in high school, there was peer pressure of course. However, I conquered it with the Lord always by my side.

God Stood With Me Through It All

When I was pregnant with my first child someone told me I would give birth to a rat. I knew it was not normal, but it was now a battle and I was a Christian leaders warrior. God stood with me. I delivered a bouncy baby girl. Then, I knew I had only God to depend on. Years later was diagnosed with diabetes. I knew again only God is what I needed to pull through. God was so real to me when I entered the operation room for the first time. It was a matter of life and death, and He stood with me.

After I made the decision of joining a Pentecostal church where I’m currently serving, a lot of things changed. I will only depend on God. This Christian Leaders Institute training will help me to bring more souls to Christ as a Christian Leaders warrior. I want to help others who might also be hesitating to accept the call of God.

Learn about ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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