My name is Rameeka Saunders, I live in North Carolina, USA. Three years ago I relocated here because I knew that God had something greater for me in North Carolina.

I was born into a Bible believing family and since infancy, was raised in a Baptist church. As a child I always loved to hear about God because I had dreams where Jesus would visit me in the night. As a teenager I gave myself to the Lord and was baptized in Jesus name. As a young adult I left that church because I felt that there was another church for me to call home. I began to search visiting many churches but in my heart, I was not able to call any of them my church home. God was speaking to my spirit as I prayed, He said that He would lead me to where I was supposed to be. It was then, that I was guided to North Carolina. Shortly after I found my church home, the one I dreamt about as a child. Since becoming a member I have rededicated myself to the Lord and have found my love for Him has grown tremendously.

Back in 2010, before I moved to North Carolina, I had what doctors called a simple procedure, but in the recovery room I stopped breathing. They worked on me for two hours trying to get me to breathe. To me it was as if I was dreaming, a feeling that you would have to experience to fully understand. I had never been to or seen this part of the hospital before yet I saw it clear as day. My spirit sat up as my body laid asleep and standing in front of me was what I believe was my guardian angel. All white and faceless yet I knew it was looking at me. I began to hear my name being called as my guardian angel walked away, and as I woke up one of my nurses said to me that she had prayed and prayed that I would return. I was in disbelief at first and wondered if my experience had been real, but as I looked around and saw everything in the exact place I saw it before, I knew it had been real. I haven’t been the same since.

There have been occasions where people (strangers) have come up to me and just told me their problems or asked for my help. I started asking people why they chose to say something to me and their answers began to sound the same, God led them to. I am a true believer that things happens for a reason, so I began to search and pray that God would reveal what he had in store for me, and I was lead to the CLI website.

I would like to start my journey as a small group leader and grow from there. Hopefully, this will give me the confidence I need to speak in front of a larger audience. My goal is to connect with people who don’t know about the goodness of Jesus and to spread the word of His goodness and mercy to them. My father has been a Deacon in his church for as long as I can remember and my siblings and I were taught about the word of God. There are several pastors and ministers in my family, I feel blessed to be apart of such a Christ-centered and supportive family.

A CLI scholarship is important to my ministry dreams because I feel that I am called, but I don’t have the funds to pay for schooling. I really appreciate the opportunity that CLI gives to its students. CLI is a blessing to me and other students like myself, who want to advance their walk with God but don’t have the funds to do so. I ask for prayer that God would continue to guide me and others to do work that is pleasing in His sight.

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