Christian Leaders Institute Scholarship

Christian Leaders Institute Scholarship

My Name is Alma Nelson-Pike. I am originally from New Orleans, Louisiana but, I currently reside in Phoenix, Arizona. I have received the Christian Leaders Institute Scholarship for ministry training.

Here is my story!

Since childhood, I have been told time and time again that I am called to be a minister, preacher, pastor in the Kingdom of God. I endured a great deal of heartache and pain in my life; however, it didn’t make me bitter. It made me closer to God. I learned to let go and to seek His goodness, love, and mercy. It was in those moments that my calling was made clearer. Because of God, I was able to endure; I was able to press on, I can testify of His love. In spite of everything, I believe that I am destined to soar and to fulfill my purpose in Him.

Living in Arizona, I have found a variety of different churches but, such scarce members in certain areas. So many people want to go to church, but they are conflicted on the inside about staying home or trying to fit in with so-called “church folks.” At the same time, I have seen many local churches overflowing with God’s people, praising God, honoring His name and rejoicing in His goodness, making the difference.

I believe that the Lord has commissioned me to set the captives free; to remind each person that Jesus died so that we could have life and life more abundantly. All throughout my life, I have sought to make a difference in the lives of others. I have fought to be a difference in the Kingdom of God. I have told God that I want what He wants and I will go wherever He leads me.

I have been challenged every step of the way, from the beginning. At day one, I was asked to examine why I came to Christian Leadership Institute if I believed that God had called me to work in the ministry and why? I am grateful for having been asked those questions. In addition to the many others, they forced me to take a second look and a third look at why I chose this institute and why I believe God chose me to come to this institute.

Before Christian Leaders Institute, I did not realize how many different styles of preaching there were or how to properly construct a sermon. To some extent, I understood the functions of the church and the church board but, I still lacked understanding with regards to structure and scripture. The video’s; illustrations; lecturers and the PowerPoint bulletins of information, all aided me in my endeavors.

With the assistance of this institute, I was able to understand better the “servant,” “woman” of God I was called to be.  It was very interesting and cool to learn that my preaching style is that of the “Personal Testimony” style more than anything. Pastor Caldwell said, “Ecclesia is called out with a spiritual swagger,” I feel this way about where I am in God, and I believe that this is one of the reasons why I can function in every style. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “The presence of God is essential,” and I agree wholeheartedly. Without God, we can do nothing. Apart from God, we are nothing but, dust in the wind.

I was blessed when I learned that I had been accepted and given the Christian Leaders Institute Scholarship for my training.  I would be able to go before God’s people and do what Christian Leaders Institute has instructed and God commanded: “19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The promises of God are clear here; He will be with us to the very end of the ages.

I believe that the promises of the Christian Leaders Institute Scholarship have been just as clear to me. I was promised before this was over that if I worked diligently; made a real consistent effort in all my endeavors; trusted the Will of God; studied the Word of God and the assignments provided by this institute, I would be far more knowledgeable in the Word and Will of the Lord for my life. I am happy to say that they were right. I now have an even closer walk with God and a more personal prayer time with Him. I have a better understanding of the word “balance” when it comes to God, my family, and the ministry.

The instructors are knowledgeable; the information is relevant and easy to understand. The spirit of the Lord is present within the Organization, I can feel it. The video’s and presentations make you think, they call for continued re-examination and a daily prayer life with God. I truly believe that anyone who attends this college will be blessed in every aspect of their life, I know I have been.

Because of the Christian Leaders Institute Scholarship awarded to me, I feel like I am far more qualified to preach and teach the Word of God. I feel like a better mother; a better woman; a better friend; a better person and above all, a better servant of the Lord. Through the Christian Leaders Institute Scholarship award, I have been restored, touched, encouraged, anchored. Much of the knowledge and healing that I needed, I found here because of these wonderful donors and sponsors who cared enough to give back. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. Coming to Christian Leaders Institute truly changed my life, and I will gladly tell the world. Please pray that the Lord will continue to lead, guide and keep me as I seek to do His will, to the utmost. Thank you again for making this possible for me. May God bless each one of you, all the days of your lives in Jesus Mighty Name.

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