Christian leaders institute graduates

Christian Leaders Institute Graduates

Graduates in the year 2013

Christian Leaders Institute exists with the purpose of raising up leaders within the kingdom of God. To this end, we offer ministry training to everyone in the world with an internet connection free of charge. Each of the courses that we offer is developed and reviewed by pastors with bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees in theology. We are able to bring this free training to students because of the generosity of our donors and the gifts of many students.

Christian Leaders Institute implemented our current Certificate and Diploma Structure in 2013. This structure allows students to obtain various levels of certificates and diplomas based on their individual needs. Each time a student fulfills the requirements for a certificate or diploma, they are able to immediately print the certificate from within their account. When they receive the Christian Basics Certificate, they are at the first graduate level.

So what is a Christian Leaders Institute graduate? Our first level graduate is somebody who has completed the course Getting Started: Christian Basics Certificate and earned the Christian Basics Certificate. This course goes through the basic concepts and principles essential to Christianity. This course features books by two of our professors at Christian Leaders Institute that are aimed at helping students understand Christian doctrine and how to live it out in their lives. Some students find that this course meets their needs and choose not to continue to any more advanced classes. Many students do not even complete this first certificate Christian leaders institute graduateslevel. Out of more than 30,000 people who registered for the Getting Started class in 2013 just over 3,000 completed it.

Other people go on to complete further certificates and diplomas. Each class taken at Christian Leaders Institute is designed to teach students something about what it means to be a leader in the church. Each diploma level takes them deeper into their knowledge and understanding of God’s word and Christianity as a whole.

Who are Christian Leaders Institute Graduates?

Now that’s all well and good, you may say, but who is a graduate? What defines Christian Leaders Institute graduate?

I was chatting with Christian Leaders Institute graduates last night and spent some time conversing with Brittany. Brittany was a young woman of 23 hooked on drugs, sex and alternative music. She was looking to everything the world holds up as entertainment for happiness, but she was falling into despair. Yet, after several relationships void of love God saved her. She felt God’s call to reach other young people. She graduated at the Christian Basics Certificate level and continues to study at CLI. She is thankful CLI is free because she has two different student loans already and would not be able to afford to attend anywhere else to get the high quality training she needs.

I talked to James, a businessman, who has a big dream and a humble calling to plant churches. His schedule is crazy, but CLI fits. He loves that CLI is free to everyone and he supports it. He has graduated with his Continuing Ministry Diploma and is seeking his Commissioned Pastor Diploma.

I talked to Sonia, a Pakistani woman who graduated and is now studying for advanced diplomas. Her dream is to start a mentor center in her church in Pakistan. Because CLI is free she has the freedom to share this ministry training with other leaders in Pakistan.

I talked to Edwin in South Africa, who speaks three languages and is now a graduate student. Edwin is focused on being an evangelist in South Africa and fanning the spark of revival in his nation.

So who are Christian Leaders Institute graduates? How do you profile a student who completes various certificate levels? The answer, on the surface, is not simple. Christian Leaders Institute attracts students from all social classes. People from all over the world study at CLI. Some have money, others have no money. Some are pastors. Some are evangelists. Some are Sunday School teachers. Each person that graduates with the Christian Basics Certificate has a compelling story to tell about their call to ministry, and each story is very different. Yet all of them have one thing in common.

Every student that graduates with a certificate or diploma at Christian Leaders Institute has a desire and a motivation to serve the Lord that goes beyond their circumstances. Each of them has a passion that will not be quenched by the temptations of the world. Each of them is determined to overcome every boundary to preaching the word of God to a dying world. And each of them came to Christian Leaders Institute because we offer the training they need  on their schedules and in their budget. Whether their budget is free, 5 dollars, or five thousand dollars, Christian Leaders Institute offers these certificates and diplomas to anybody who is willing to complete them. Graduates are more than people who completed a few courses. They are warriors of Christ who have been fully equipped to overcome the enemy and are headed out to the front lines to fight for Him.

Total Number of Graduates for the Year 2013

Christian Basics Certificate (7 Credits) 3280 Graduates

This certificate examines calling into ministry, walk with God and basic Christian doctrine. This certificate gives foundational knowledge needed to be a Christian leader. This certificate is also foundational for every student at CLI and opens the door to all the other classes and advanced diplomas.

Continuing Ministry Certificate (23 Credits) 285 Graduates

This certificate is perfect for pastors who are ordained but have little formal training.

Christian Leaders Certificate (23 credits) 198 Graduates

This certificate is perfect for church planters and new pastors. This certificate covers the basics of ministry.

Continuing Ministry Diploma (30 Credits) 150 Graduates

This is our first advanced training diploma which is perfect for pastors who are ordained.

Commissioned Pastor Diploma (37 Credits) 26 Graduates

Some denominations and associations require advanced training before ordination. This advanced diploma covers the requirements of most denominations and associations.

Diploma of Ministry (43 Credits) 11 Graduates

This advanced diploma is for those graduates that want to go deeper. This advanced diploma also covers the requirements of most denominations and associations.

Advanced Ministry Diploma (63 Credits) 1 Graduate

This diploma covers most of our courses offered at Christian Leaders Institute. This advanced diploma also covers the requirements of most denominations and associations.

Hey Graduates.  Check out the new graduate network.

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