Christian Leaders Education

Christian Leaders Education

Hello, my name is Monalisa Ramos and I am receiving my Christian Leaders education at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in Dallas, Texas. I am the oldest of five children. I grew up in a broken home with no father. As the oldest, I had to help my mom with the children and household duties. I became a mother to my own baby at the age of fifteen. Shortly after, I came to know the Lord when I was 16 years of age. During my years as a teenage mother, I ignored the calling of God and continued on in my sinful lifestyle. I continued to go back and forth with church attendance.

After my second child was born to me at the age of 25, my husband and the father of my children decided something was missing. I felt that it was time for all of us to seek the Lord. The Lord also saved our marriage that had been falling apart. We are now active members of our church. Our son is on the worship team. Our recently married daughter and her husband are the youth ministers at our church.

My husband and I are owners of a barbershop that we dedicate to sharing the good news of Christ. My husband recently received his Deacon Minister Ordination through Christian Leaders Institute and I recently took on the challenge as the women’s ministry director at our church. I am seeking to learn more and receive the proper training to be the Christian leader that Christ has called me to be and to strengthen my relationship with Christ. This Christian Leaders education at CLI allows me to be able to study and learn at my own pace and still manage to do the duties I have at home and church. Thank you and God bless.

Learn more about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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