Christian Leader Education

Christian Leader Education

My name is Joselyn Blume and I am receiving Christian leader education at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in Spokane, Washington. I am 52 years old. I grew up in a Christian household. My mom was a missionary’s kid and my grandpa was a pastor. I accepted Christ into my life when I was very young. I was raised in and grew up in a Christian environment, but when I turned eighteen, I made the decision to walk away from Christ. But, thankfully, we have a loving God who patiently waited for me to come back to Him and His forgiveness.

Two years ago, my, then 8-year-old, daughter went to Vacation Bible School and she accepted Jesus Christ into her heart. Then she came home and wanted to tell me all about Jesus. That was a pretty scary awakening for me. Here my daughter wanted to tell me, “a Christian”, about God. She was eight years old and I had never told her about Jesus! That is when I realized I was not leading my daughter in the ways of the Lord. So, a short time later, I rededicated myself to Christ, and now I have a personal relationship with Christ and my daughter does as well.

I am taking the classes at Christian Leaders Institute so that I am able to be a leader, even if only in my home. Christian leaders Institute gives me the opportunity to build my relationship with Christ stronger. CLI has taught me to discover my spiritual gifts. Another benefit of CLI is that I’m also able to lead my daughter and others to walk with Christ. I am also able to help others to find and follow Jesus as well.

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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