christian leader

Be an Example, Be a Christian Leader

With the uprising of ungodly behavior being spread throughout the world among our youth and even adults, fulfill the mission in becoming a Christian Leader! The mission is simple: spread the message of Jesus with others; and show the ones you come across in your life (show love to thy neighbor) the path called “a better way.” On the road down a better way, we show love in listening to others, showing patience with one’s turning to the Lord for salvation and repentance, kindness and gentleness at all times, and the last thing we do is mistreat another human being whether we know them or not. Through our actions, and not just by words of I am a Christian, may others see the Truth in living the better way and then in turn want what we’ve got. And what do we got? We have the joy of the Lord. Be an example, be a Christian leader!

Christian Leader & Aspired Future Pastor

Craig Bailey
United States
A Patient God and a Slow Learner

Obtuse- slow to understand or perceive something.”

This word describes my walk with the Lord. I grew up in a Christian home and publicly professed faith in Jesus and was baptized when I was thirteen. I read my Bible and went to church, but did not grow in the faith for many years. In fact, it has only been in the past five years that I have come to understand the mercy and grace my God has lavished upon me. I am 50 years old. For 32 years, God has been patient with this dull-witted man. Praise be His holy name.

Like so many people in the US, I had my own brand of religion. I would go through phases of church attendance and involvement, like teaching Sunday school and playing in the worship band, to playing golf or drinking beer and watching sports on Sunday. I lived for me. However, in my heart I had no joy or sense of purpose. Seeing, but not perceiving. Hearing, but not listening. I was miserable. My strength was gone. Life was meaningless. It was at this point that I turned to the Lord in prayer and Bible study. He helped me to see that He had always been there right beside me. Now I rest in His grace and thank Him for His mercy.

I believe that the US is in the religious stage of Apostasy. The freedom to worship in this country has been a double-edged sword. The diversity of beliefs in this country has created the mindset that all roads lead to God and that truth is relative. I have found this to be the greatest obstacle to my Christian witness. People have created their own God in their head. I have even heard some say, “If there is a God, He will understand that I’m basically a good person and tried my best.” When pressed for a definition of ‘good’, the explanation is always subjective. Few read the Bible even though copies are plentiful. God has given the US so much truth that I truly believe that our misuse of His Word will be judged. I am amazed at the stories I have read from other countries where Bibles are scarce yet people come to a saving faith in Christ. I do believe that His Word does not return void and my desire is to share the Gospel.

I believe that I will be a christian leader at some point in the near future. I believe that God has led me to Christian Leaders Institute in order to prepare me for the ministry He has planned for me. In other words, my dream is to be used in any way God sees fit to use me. I have a desire to be a pastor because I can see the power of the Gospel in transforming lives. I have an ability to meet people where they are without judgment. God is the only judge. And I am willing to lead them to Christ. I am not ashamed of the Gospel. I can proclaim the Word and let my Lord work on the sin in their life. I know He can because He does it daily with me.
I have a felt need to help others see that Jesus is the solution to every problem with His presence alone. God never answered Job’s questions, He provided Job with His presence and Job’s questions were answered. The Holy Spirit is limitless and there is no sin that cannot be forgiven. He has given me the gift to receive all sinners with open arms just as He has received me.

My local church has many unmet ministry needs and in need of more then one Christian leader. So far, I have not been led to fill any of these positions. Since I have acted impulsively in the past with poor results, I have put this decision in my Lord’s hands. I believe that through the training I receive at CLI to be a Christian leader, God will open the door to one of these positions and send me to the harvest field. I have studied my Bible many years and read numerous books on Apologetics and Christian living. I believe that having some tangible evidence of my knowledge and commitment will help me get a foot in the door as a Christian leader in ministry. The certificates and diplomas offered by CLI will help me succeed. I believe that I am enrolled at CLI for a reason.

So far I am alone in my ministry pursuit. I love and cherish my wife, but she is not prepared to accompany me on this journey. She is an unchurched Christian, partly due to my past record of ministry failures. I know, in time, she will join me in my walk because this time I am under the direction of my God and He will set the timetable, not me. In His strength I will prevail, not on my own.
Lastly, I seek prayer that God will mold me into the Christian leader He needs me to be and He will remove any obstacles in my way and give me the strength required to do His will. He is my King and Master, the only God, and I am forever grateful for the grace and mercy He has lavished upon me. God has been patient with me and taught me to be patient with others. Praise be the name of the Lord.

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