Christian Influence Training – An Ascending Journey


My name is Cindy Gritters, and I am excited to receive Christian influence training at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). I married my high school sweetheart, Dave Gritters, and we have three children in college. We call Pella, Iowa, USA, home.

Dave and I married after I graduated from Dordt College with a BA in Business Administration. Right away, we became involved in our local church. We were youth group leaders even though we were only four years older than the high school seniors. We served as youth group leaders for six years. After that, I led various other church ministries like Coffee Break for women and Children’s Worship. Worship leading was my real passion. I am a keyboardist and singer, and later on in life, I became a guitarist.

Full Surrender to Christ

At the age of 36, Dave and I attended a spiritual retreat called Cursillo. It was at Cursillo, where my nominal Christian walk ended, and my authentic Christian walk began. Christ became real to me as I finally realized my need for a Savior. I began to read the Bible much more and have personal devotions. The Bible became more to me than something I studied for good grades at school or college.

In 2008, I applied for a part-time position at our church as the Worship Coordinator. Up to this point, all my worship leading had been on a volunteer basis. I am still in this role at our church, and this position has really stretched and grown my faith.

I hope to use my Christian Leaders Institute Christian influence training to deepen my relationship with Christ and become more like Him. Eventually, I hope that all my character flaws will fade away, and everyone will only see Christ living in me. I know that it will be beneficial to my marriage, my children, and my position as Worship Coordinator. I want to bear fruit – fruit that will last.



Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.