Christian Higher Education

Christian Higher Education at CLI

My name is Phaedra Sykes, and I am thankful for the Christian higher education I am receiving at CLI. I lived in Louisana all of my life thus far. I am a 38-year-old woman that has been married for 17 years. We have three sons. I grew up all my life in the church from a little girl. Now the thing with that is I said when I grow up, this God thing was not going to be for me. That was because I did the church thing so much with my mom.

However, when I got older, I felt a real calling on my life from which I could not run away. So I attended church regularly hungry for more. And now that I am grown up it is no doubt a part of my life. I am an ordained minister for about five years now, but I wanted to get more teaching at a higher level now.

Christian Higher Education at CLI

That is how I found the Christian Leaders Institute. These free online ministry courses are a huge help in understanding what it means to be a true leader for Christ. As a trained Christian leader, I want to help others by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. I also want to receive all that is genuinely needed to be a called and trained leader. Maybe I will be able to help others accept the calling God has on their life. Therefore, CLI training is an excellent thing to have for people that can not afford to get more education.

Through these classes at CLI, I know an authentic relationship with my God and studying His Word, the Bible, are essential. Thank you, Christian Leaders Institute and the Vision Partners who support it, for this fantastic Christian higher education opportunity!

Are you interested in a credible online ordination? Check out the Christian Leaders Alliance. If you are looking for a low-cost degree, check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School

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