Christian Education Journey

Christian Education Journey

My name is Jamie Abiodun and I am on a Christian education journey at Christian Leaders Insitute. I live in Houston, Texas in the United States of America. I grew up in Libby, Montana. I have been married for twelve years to a wonderful man who loves Jesus Christ with every fiber of his being. I was not raised to know Jesus, and in fact, the town I grew up in made fun of the Christians. I always thought “Church People” were very different.

When I met my husband, I saw visions and signs which I had never had anything like that ever happen to me before. I dated him one time and on that date, he asked me to marry him. I said yes and three months later we were married. My husband was raised Muslim in Nigeria, Africa. He left his home when he found Jesus Christ as a teenager. He stayed with his pastor. His family did not accept him any longer. My husband was sent to the USA on a tennis scholarship to play at Texas State University in Houston, TX. God put us together and now we have our own ministry.

I always followed along and was in and out of the church not sure what the big deal was. Within the last several years, I have grown closer to God than ever before. Just this last year though, I have found him! I am on fire for Jesus and am passionate about being the next woman to bridge the gap. I want to be involved, reading, and knowing as much as I can about Christianity. I am determined to start here at Christian Leaders Insitute as God has directed me to do so on my Christian education journey. I am excited to learn more about the Bible and grow closer in my walk with God.

Learn about minister ordination and local ecuministry ordinations at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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