Christian Church Planter Training With CLI- The Vision and Calling
“The church has been very supportive in my calling by way of offering supportive prayers and providing some materials needed for the propagation of the gospel. My wife has been exceptionally amazing and supportive to my calling by her continual prayer and encouragement during challenging times. A scholarship at CLI is so vital to my ministry dream as it will enable me to gain knowledge that will facilitate the propagation of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will be grateful if you could bear us up in your prayers asking for more grace to accomplish the divine calling and assignment.” – Student of CLI’s Christian Church Planter Training courses
With CLI It Is Possible To Receive A Free Online Christian Church Planter Training Education Even In London! All courses are done online! Many certificates & diplomas to achieve at NO cost to you! Join us like our London student and others across the world!
I am currently living in London and the founder of Global Outreach Ministries International (GLOMI), an impartial Christian Charity. I believe that as a Christian I am called to love and to worship God and to further my care for and service to the communities and the wider world. In working to achieve these aims I strive to create a climate of respect, understanding, equity, diversity and interdependence.
I seek to fulfill this humanitarian calling or mission to continue the ministry of Jesus: by bringing lasting and positive change to the lives of the homeless, through front line work, prevention and advocacy, being a facilitator and enabler, galvanizing people and resources in the UK, Latin America and worldwide. By developing our services in order to enable people of all ages to offer of themselves in worship. By promoting the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. By providing an accessible and welcoming environment in which worship may be offered and fellowship deepened. By arranging activities in which people are encouraged to develop their knowledge and experience of the world in which they live and the Christian Faith, reflecting on the interrelationship of the two. By identifying and responding to opportunities to show commitment to our villages and their needs. By raising awareness within the congregation both of world issues and concerns of peace and justice.
My Core Objectives also include: No one should suffer in silence or feel isolated,building self-confidence, regain a sense of belonging, learning to laugh again
As I Know: the impact of being a single mother or widow, the temptation of committing suicide in the absence of any spiritual, emotional or psychological support, the life-changing experience that prisons brings to mind, body and spirit what it’s really like to be homeless
I was born into a Christian family and automatically became a Christian but had little or no intimate fellowship with the Lord. I was born in a family which is surrounded by serious demon activity. As young men were easily dying through demonic activities, my grandfather who is a fetish priest admonished me to accompany to the forest in the brong Ahafo region of Ghana to enable him to empower me with demonic spirit to be able to fight the spirit of witchcraft which was after my life. Due to the fear of the Lord I failed to succumb but rather resorted to faith in Christ Jesus as the only means of survival. That was certainly not an easy route, as I suffered different kinds of diseases so times to the point of death.
In the midst of these turbulent times, the Lord brought me to the ministry of evangelist Alice Newman, whose divine teachings led me to an intimate relationship with the Lord. In this period, the Lord gave me many divine revelations. On one occasion the Lord gave me a vision in which I was being translated from darkness to light through an anointed woman of God. After the above revelation, our Lord Jesus Christ revealed himself to me and has repeatedly shown himself to me on several occasions especially during life’s most difficult times. I have realized that the most challenging times of my life has brought me to the true knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I identify myself an evangelist and church planter. The grace of God has endowed me with the dexterity and skills in good human relations which is a key component of success in planting ministries. I discovered that life is meaningless and hopeless without our Lord Jesus Christ. His many blessings, mercy, love and grace to me motivated me to serve him and to do his work. In accordance with Mathew 25:14, I believe that everyone has been given a gift by God, however, many people die without even realizing their talents or gift. It is also on this basis that the Lord has called us to harnessing potentials with the ultimate vision of reaching out the gospel to the world and winning souls for Christ.
The church has been very supportive in my calling by way of offering supportive prayers and providing some materials needed for the propagation of the gospel. My wife has been exceptionally amazing and supportive to my calling by her continual prayer and encouragement during challenging times. Christian church planter training with CLI is so vital to my ministry dream as it will enable me to gain knowledge that will facilitate the propagation of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will be grateful if you could bear us up in your prayers asking for more grace to accomplish the divine calling and assignment.
Christian Church Planter Training Courses With CLI
Click here to gain access to receive your free online Christian church planter training with CLI! Whether Christian church planter training is the direction you would like to go in your ministry, or you are looking to minister in another area, CLI is the bible college for you. With our high quality classes, you will find yourself well equipped to discover where God is placing you in ministry!
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