Christ Heals Hurting Women

Christ Heals Hurting Women

I have a passion to see that Christ heals hurting women. I was raised by Christian parents, but I did not come to have a personal relationship with Jesus until I was twenty-six years old. I rebelled as a teen, getting involved in the use of drugs and alcohol. I also became sexually active at the age of thirteen and became a mother at the age of fifteen. Being a single teen mom earned me a lot of heartaches. I struggled in poverty, and even when I wouldn’t know where our next meal would come from, somehow, we never went hungry, we never went homeless. I worked hard, sometimes holding down two jobs. I went through various relationships but never married.

At the age of twenty-six, I found my neighbor who had committed suicide. That experience shook me to the core and made me cry out to God. I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in my parents living room that evening. I have never turned back.

It took me many years, a lot of effort, and a lot of prayers to be healed from a lot of the heartaches I encountered throughout my life. The only thing my heart aches for today is for young women and single mothers that are hurting and in need of the HEALER! I have a passion for young women and single mothers who are struggling and doing their best to survive. I have a passion to direct these women to that one man, Jesus Christ, and to my Heavenly Father that healed me. I am thankful that I found Christian Leaders Institute to give me the ministry and leadership training I need to accomplish my passion to see that Christ heals hurting women.

Learn about ordained minister study programs and local ecuministry ordinations with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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