Chaplain Minister Call

My name is Laurie Lange, and I have a Chaplain minister call on my life. I live in Connecticut in the USA with my husband and our four children, who I homeschooled. I’m excited that as my children are getting older God is also beginning to prepare me for what’s ahead.

My childhood was a very difficult time. When I was three, my parents divorced. My mother struggled with mental health issues, and my father decided to not take an active role in being a father. Off and on throughout my childhood, I experienced several different kinds of abuse. Little did I know, as none do at that age, God would use those things to prepare me for a ministry. Therefore, I am called to work with children, the forgotten, the abused, and those going through a crisis.

God’s Chaplain Minister Call

When I first went to Bible school in Dallas, TX, in 1994, my focus was on Music Ministry and Missions. They felt like a good fit for me at the time. But a few years later, I found myself married, and then, one at a time, four children followed. I began to question God and the “ministries” I originally felt called to do.

However, He had already placed my ministry right before me. I’ve been in children’s ministry for 25 years. The more I allowed God to use me, the more He allowed me to see that it was my calling. I will be involved in Children’s Ministry forever, most likely! However, through children’s ministry, God has shown me how many children and families are hurting, need direction, and, sometimes, immediate spiritual and emotional care. This ministry is something that a social services office cannot offer. I began to look into Disaster and Crisis response ministries and through training have come to realize that God has a chaplain minister call for me.

Chaplain Minister Call and Ministry Training at CLI

There is still much to be revealed but I do know that training is a crucial step. I had wondered how I was going to continue Ministry training without any funds. I’m so excited to have found Christian Leaders Institute and CLI’s Leadership Excellence School. I pray that as I train and learn new things, God will make my path clearer.

God is near to the brokenhearted, this I clearly know. He’s brought me through a difficult childhood, PTSD, some mental health issues, and many physical ailments. He has shown Himself strong through it all. It has nothing to do with me. I pray that I can be a vessel to show others going through crises his healing power. That power will bring them to a place of comfort through the power of the Holy Spirit. May I help guide them back to a place where their lives are once again in those calm but windy places of the Spirit’s movement.

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