Chaplain Education for Free
Chaplain Education Opportunity at CLI
My name is Brother Calvin G. Dodson of Keystone Heights, Florida, USA. I am thankful for the Chaplain education opportunity at Christian Leaders Institute.
In September of 2018, I was getting dressed to go to work when I started to breathe in and could not breathe. I tried to inhale but could not breathe. I was in shock and disbelief at what was happening. Thankfully, my roommate was there to call 911. All I remember was seeing my roommate dialing 911.
Later, I woke up to all these machines around me and my hands tied down. I was breathing very funny. I had a tube down my throat. Was I dreaming? I found out later that I had throat cancer, and it closed my windpipe. My voice box was taken out. I had 30 treatments of radiation. Now, I use an electrolarynx which I hold to my neck for my Robo voice. I remember lying there in the hospital saying to God, “Now what?”
My Calling
I have been a believer in Christ for a long time. I even have a Bachelor of Ministry degree (B.Min.). God made it clear to me that just knowing Him is not the same as serving Him. Wow! In November of 2019, I stood before the church and with my Robo voice spoke into the microphone. This voice is what God has chosen for me. I was proud and unashamed.
For once in my life, I found my calling, The time has come to share the gospel of Christ to all. God has told me to become a Chaplain and proceed to help other cancer patients. Recently, I got my results back from the hospital, and I am “CANCER FREE!” I am grateful to be alive!
I thank God for Christian Leaders Institute! Its programs are available for people who are willing to follow Christ. If not for CLI, I would be unable to afford to continue my Chaplain education. I am thankful to everyone who makes this Chaplain education opportunity happen. You are a God-Send!
Never give up…
Peace in the valley,
Brother Cal
Learn about degree programs at CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.
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