Changing Ministry Heart

Changing Ministry Heart

Hi, my name is Amber Hamby and I am from Elkins, WV. I was born in the state of Florida and grew up in Virginia. I first became a Christian when I was 13 years old and God gave me a changing ministry heart for Him. I went many years knowing who Jesus was and being a Christian. But I did not realize until eleven years later at the age of 24 what a personal relationship with Jesus is as Jesus continued to give me a changing ministry heart for Him. Since then, I have experienced some ups and downs, but I continue to learn from the Lord Jesus and follow His leading.

I have always dreamed of working with children in the ministry and helping them see Jesus in any circumstance they may be facing. I have talked with my pastor about this, and I am getting more involved with children’s activities at our church such as VBS or Kids Crusades and Sunday School. I have also started becoming more active in our choir as well since I enjoy praising God with my voice.

With my changing ministry heart for Jesus, I feel that this is where God wants me to start, and that being able to train and study at Christian Leaders Institute will help me to gain a deeper understanding of the word and where my calling is leading me. I am excited to see what God has in store for me in ministry.

Since starting at Christian Leaders Institute, I have a changing ministry heart for Him and have seen my relationship grow closer with God and my two children. I am very thankful for this blessing to study here, and I pray that everyone who studies at CLI will be blessed through their studies and their relationship with Christ.

Check out Christian Leaders Alliance Ordination Program.

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