Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior!

My name is Jose Benzon Sanchez, a Filipino, 49 years old and a father of five children. I have three boys and two girls, with two grandsons and a granddaughter. My wife and I and still three of our children lives in Hamburg, Germany.

I became a Christian when I was in my teens. But because there wasn’t much fire in my relationship with the Lord, I strayed from His path a lot of times. I just wanted to do everything my own way and God humbled me. After I lost my first family, I was deep in drugs and alcohol.

When God called me back, there’s no sweeter as home sweet home. There is no other thing in my mind, but to be his disciple. No plans of going back to my old self, just praying to be obedient and prepared for our Lord for whatever plan he has for me.

I assist my pastor in every way I can. He allows me to preach from time to time or when he is away. And I also handle the youth ministry. That is why I can say that CLI is an answered prayer for me. With my financial problems, CLI is the answer for my deeper study of God’s word.

Most people here don’t know God or refuse the existence of God. They are well in their lives that’s why they don’t need God. I also have catholic friends who have a general idea about God or people who practices traditional religion.

CLI is so important because if not for you, I wouldn’t be able to go to pursue these studies. My situation does not allow me to do anything like studying. And when you say studying it always has to do with money, but here it is free. Praise God for that! Thank you CLI for allowing us to have opportunities like this.

Please pray that I will be able to finish my course or studies. And will be able to serve God mightily. To be able to evangelize to the people around us here and to be able to take care for those who are with us with the love of the Lord.

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