Henry Reyenga, the president of Christian Leaders Institute converses about the vision of Christian Leaders Institute to create operatives for Christ. In this blog, Reyenga will discuss the mission to train pastors, church planters, indigenous missionaries, elders, chaplains, evangelists, youth pastors, women’s leaders, and other ministry leaders. Christian Leaders Institute is a mission that is committed to deliver tuition-free advanced online ministry training for those seeking a Bible School, Bible Institute, Online Seminary, Bible College, Pastor Training Institute or Church Planter School. We are especially focused on training lay leaders to be bi-vocational or vocational ministry leaders. Our approach is to encourage our students to partner with local pastors, mentors or sponsors who will help them process their online ministry training. In summary, This blog will include recognition of ideas, feature stories, links and other means of promoting the vision, mission and approach of Christian Leaders Institute.

Finding Hope through COVID-19 Hysteria
communicate the gospel

Communicate the Gospel – A Ministry Calling to An Unlikely Woman

Communicate the Gospel by Henry Reyenga I want to communicate the gospel to everyone. I want to raise up leaders who communicate the gospel in their communities. Christian Leaders Institute has met new Christian leaders in over 158 countries.…
Gospel Evangelists

Kimberly the Evangelist

Gospel Evangelists I am excited about raising up a new generation of gospel evangelists who walk with God, are called to ministry and are well trained at Christian Leaders Institute. Gospel evangelists are not afraid of sharing Christ motivated…
Single Mom Called Into Ministry
Donation Model of Ministry Training Changes the World

Donation Model of Ministry Training Changes the World

Generosity-Driven Model of Ministry Training Changes the World Jesus set up the first free ministry training school.  Joanna, Susanna, and Joseph supported his ministry training school and his life work of redemption.  This donation model…
Bible Training School

Starting a Bible Training School – Callie Mae Broughton’s Dream

Bible Training School Graduates of any level at Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) are encouraged to start Bible Training School in their own church or area. This Bible training school could have only 1 enrollee or hundreds. At Christian Leaders…
In-Depth Ministry Training

In-depth Ministry Training – “Get a Grip Elijah!”

The need for ministry leaders has never been so pressing. It seems like there are too few Christian leaders. Sometimes we leaders can identify with Elijah in the Bible. He found out that there were 7000 in prophets in Israel that had not bowed…

Mother Teresa to the Muslim World

Mother Teresa lived from 1910 until 1997. She dedicated her life to blessing the poorest of poor and even creating an organization of women warriors who still passionately love the unlovable. Mother Teresa once said,  “Keep the joy of…
online preaching class

Damascus Miracles Happen for a Calling into Ministry

Syria is not a welcoming place for a calling into ministry. This Islamic country is struggling politically. Christianity is not technically illegal but it is discouraged in the cultural system. A calling into ministry is rare in a place like…
Difference Makers

From Chaos to Peace – A Call For Difference Makers

Each day more news of chaos bombards our senses.  Recently in Kenya, we heard of terrorists who would kill innocent lives seeking to make a media point for their cause. Now more news at LAX airport where a killer showed up and killed a TSA…
Revivial Leaders Vision

Revival Leaders Vision

Revival Leaders Vision - I saw a vision or it was a wonderful dream. Whether a vision or a dream, I have lived my life directed by it. I was 28 years old. The year was 1989. I was planting a church near Chicago, IL. In my dream, I saw people…
online preaching class

Missionary Movement: The Legacy of the Missionaries

Missionary Movement- In the last 200 years a Christian missionary movement was characterized by leaders being sent from churches or denominations to culturally different or geographically distant places. Check out this link to find out more. …
online preaching class

Online Preaching Class

Online Preaching Class - At Christian Leaders Institute, Students evaluate the online preaching class and share their reflections. In this class, students survey teachings from some of the great preachers in our era. I thought I would share…
online preaching class

Ministering in the Rough Areas – Lisa Popejoy

Ministering - There are places in the world that most churches have abandoned. These places are stronghold's to the Devils work. In these places prostitution, drugs, mental illness, alcoholism and crime are the pervasive culture. It is here…
online preaching class

Online Preaching Class – CLI Student Shares Learning

Online Preaching Class - I am so impressed with the students at Christian Leaders Institute. In my president's blog today I want to feature a final paper in the Online Preaching class. This paper was written by Duane Smith. Duane is in his late…