Restorative Ministry Service
Ministry School, Restorative MinistryGod Has Passed the Baton to Me
I am Ericka Scott from Georgia in the USA. My calling is to work with young adults who were convicted in the Juvenile Court and are now re-entering society as an adult. God has called me to teach them job-readiness…

Restorative Justice Ministry Training at CLI
Ministry School, Restorative JusticeMy name is Dr. Carol Matthews, and I am seeking restorative justice ministry training at the Christian Leaders Institute (CLI). I live in Southern California, in the USA. I have been educated in different areas, where I previously worked in…

Restorative Justice Minister
Ministry School, Restorative JusticeCalled as a Restorative Justice Minister
My name is Michael Moss. My calling is as a restorative justice minister who shares the good news of Christ. I was an atheist pulled from the darkness by God's supernatural love. Because of the love…

Restored Life for Elizabeth
Restorative MinistryRestored Life for God's Glory and Purpose
Hello, my name is Elizabeth (Beth) Russell, and I have a restored life in Christ Jesus. Currently, I am living in the state of Texas in the United States of America. I was adopted as an infant into…

God's Faithfulness: He Never Lets Go
Restorative MinistryGod's Faithfulness Endures Forever
If all the oceans filled with ink and all the trees converted into paper, there still wouldn't be enough resources to write of God's faithfulness, goodness, and mercy. My God has forgiven me much so many times;…

Bible School Opportunity
Free Online bible Classes, Restorative JusticeRead how a free Bible school opportunity at CLI is a blessing for Jose Garcia:
Bible School Opportunity
Hello, my name is Jose Garcia and I am grateful for this Bible School opportunity at Christian Leaders Institute. I have been running from…

Restoration Call
America (United States), Restorative JusticePeruse Sally Countess' testimony of escaping life on the dark side into God's everlasting light of redemption and a restoration call:
Restoration Call
My name is Sally Countess and I have a restoration call on my life. I live in Colorado…

Restorative Ministry
Restorative JusticeRestorative Ministry
Read here how Mark battled substance abuse for years until he gave his life to Christ and is now committed to Ministry training for work in restorative ministry.
My name is Mark Gee and I'm 38 years old. I live in the…

Prison Ministry Work
Prison MinistryCLI May Be the Answer to My Prayers in Prison Ministry Work
Hello, my name is Karen Baetz of the United States of America. I have a prison ministry work dream. I was born in San Francisco, California in 1968 and grew up in the Catholic Church…

Prison Ministry Call
Restorative JusticePrison Ministry Call
My name is Ronald Segar and I have a prison ministry call. I live in San Antonio, Texas with my family. I am involved in a new prison ministry work with the Kairos team in Dilley, Texas. I was adopted as a child. The family…