My Dream to Reach the Unreached for Christ
Ministry Calling, Nigeria"My ministry goal is to go back to my community and expand God's kingdom by recruiting and training young men and women and then sending them to the unreached areas where people are still spiritually hungry, and they will be fed with the Word."

A Leader In Training to Help Women
America (United States), Women's Ministry"Taking this Christian Leader Training class has renewed my foundation and my will to keep pushing, not just for me, but for all those who need God and need guidance to get where He is calling them to."
A Leader In Training
My name is Ornatta…

My Dream of Being a Preacher of the Word of God
Kenya, Ministry Calling"I would like to be a Preacher and a teacher of God's Word, bring people to Christ, disciple them and release them to fulfill the great commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ."
My Dream of Being a Preacher of the Word of God
My name is…

Called Ministry Training Journey
America (United States), Ministry Calling"I have been called to ministry several times over the years but I was always reluctant and very intimidated so I ignored the calling." Learn how and why Jacque is finally answering God's calling on her life as you read her called ministry training…

Attempted Murder Survivor Called to Minsitry
Free Online bible Classes, New ZealandGet New Zealand Ministry Training
Hello all. My name is Amanda Smith (nee Faulkner). I was originally born in Barry Island, Wales. My family and I moved to New Zealand when I was 5 years old.
I am studying anew here at Christian Leaders…

Ireland Ministry Training
Ireland, Ministry CallingMike Harper tells us in his testimony "I hope to use this Ireland ministry training to help give me more skills to reach our local community with the gospel."
Ireland Ministry Training
Hi, my name is Mike Harper and I am from Ireland. This…

Fathers Ministry
America (United States), Ministering to FathersFathers Ministry
My name is Geoff Ahmann and I am called to fathers ministry. I am from the Twin Cities of Minnesota. I have three children and they are my world. Growing up, I never really got that feeling from my parents. My biological father…

Youth Ministry Vision
United Kingdom, Youth MinistryYouth Ministry Vision
Hello, my name is Rose and I have a youth ministry vision. I live in the UK with my husband and our children. My nanny was from Ireland with a strong Catholic background. I was bought up Baptist, in a small tightly knit…

Salvation Journey
America (United States), Free Online bible Classes, Youth MinistryThis compelling testimony from Jennifer takes us on a lifelong salvation journey from an abusive childhood, worldly habits and single parenthood to discovering the peace and love of salvation in Christ.
Salvation Journey
My name is Jennifer…

Canada Ministry Dream
Canada, Free Online bible ClassesCanada Ministry Dream
My name is Kidane Araya and I have a Canada ministry dream. I’m originally from Eritrea. I moved to several countries looking for a better life and that journey took me to Canada, where I currently live. I have been…

Christian Life Calling
America (United States), Ministry Calling, Women's MinistryFrom a Christian childhood, down the road to destruction and back to doing God's will in her Christian life calling to preach the Word.
Christian Life Calling
My name is Ada Johns and I live in the United States of America. I am following…

Spiritual Maturity Journey
America (United States), Community OutreachPolice Officer Danny Keller has a spiritual dream to become fluent in the Scriptures and to use that knowledge to teach and lead others to Christ on his spiritual maturity journey.
Spiritual Maturity Journey
My name is Danny Keller and I am…

My Story by Jonathan Abeiku Otabil of Ghana
Ghana, Ministry CallingFrom the African nation of Ghana, Jonathan shares with us his testimony. "I want to reach the world with the gospel of Christ. I also want to groom more youth to identify and accomplish their purpose in Christ, especially in Ghana."
My Story…

Ministry Serving
Free Online bible Classes, Service MinistryA Life of Ministry Serving
Hello, my name is Lisa J. Stockdale of the USA and I have a call to ministry serving. All of my life, I have worked and served in the church. My parents made sure that I was rooted and grounded by ministry serving…