Minister Training Dream
Ministry SchoolMinister Training Dream
Hello, my name is Nicole Kendrick, and I have a minister training dream. I am 23 years old, a wife, mother of one, and a homemaker. I am from a small town in Arkansas in the United States of America. As a child, I grew…

God's Grace Is Sufficient
Evangelist TrainingFree Evangelism Training
God's grace is sufficient. This is my story of God's redeeming grace in my life. My name is Jacob Nehlsen, and I am receiving free evangelism training at CLI. I was born and raised in Wisconsin. I am married to a wonderful,…

Free Pastor Training: God Changed my Life
Free Ministry StudyFree Pastor Training
Follow Logan on his journey as he answers God's call to become a pastor with free pastor training at CLI.
The Grace of God: How His Pursuit Changed my Life
My name is Logan Roberts and I am receiving free pastor training…

Seeking God's Guidance
Women's MinistryMinistry Training Guidance
Hello! My name is Nickie Burr, and I am seeking ministry training guidance at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in a small town in the state of Arkansas, in the USA, population just over one hundred. In 1996, both…

Ministry Education Free
Ministry SchoolMinistry Education Free at CLI
My name is Walter Rudolph "Waldo" Swart, and I'm eighteen years old. I am excited to receive ministry education free at CLI. I was born and raised in Pretoria, South Africa. When I was eleven, we (my parents,…

Vietnam Bible Education: Saved by Grace
Free Bible Training Online, VietnamVietnam Bible Education
My name is Lucelia Nicolene Pretorius, but everyone calls me Nicky. I am excited about my free Vietnam Bible Education with the Christian Leaders Institute. I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. Three years ago,…

Minister In The Making
Ministry SchoolMinister Ministry Dreams
My name is Willie Alexander, and I have minister ministry dreams. I am from the United States. I grew up Southern Baptist. My hunger for God came later in life after I became diabetic in college. I was new to taking…

Restoration Ministry Purpose: Called For a Purpose on Purpose
IrelandRestoration Ministry Purpose: Called For a Purpose on Purpose
My name is Fiona Currie, and I have a restoration ministry purpose and call on my life. I currently reside in the Republic of Ireland.
I believe God called me here for a purpose.…

Spiritual Faith Journey
United KingdomSpiritual Faith Journey
My name is Allen Humes of the United Kingdom. My life has always centered around serving people. Helping to run a local youth club while in my teens was something I enjoyed. I qualified as a youth leader later in life…

Healing Women Ministry
Women's MinistryHealing Women Ministry
My name is Julie Grossman, and I am called to healing women ministry. I'm from Saint Paul, Minnesota, where I was born and raised, and currently live. We have a thriving Christian Church in my area, and I love being a…

Changed Life: I Choose to Believe in Jesus Christ
SingaporeChanged Life
My name is Christopher, and I have a changed life in Christ Jesus. I was born in Singapore, into a Buddhist family. However, I attended a Christian school (elementary to senior high) as my dad was previously in that school. My…

Women Ministry: I Found Christian Leaders Institute
Home Discipleship Ministers, Women's MinistryBy listening to God and then obeying Him, Brooke found CLI online and can now fulfill her calling of working in women ministry in her local community.
Women Ministry: I Found Christian Leaders Institute
My name is Brooke Brueckner, and I am…

Men Ministry Call: My Call to Faith
Men's Ministry, Ministry Calling.From a horrid past, Raymond has come to know God and has answered His Men Ministry call.
Men Ministry Call: My Call to Faith
My name is Raymond Mallon, and my home is in Fayetteville North Carolina, USA. Being a Christian leader here means…

Growing Season: Out Of Pain Came A Promise
Women's MinistryIn this inspiring testimony, Erin writes "I thank God every day for my pain and the trials I endured. Not because they were fun; but because He trusted me to see the purpose in my pain." Relying on God and His promises she is now experiencing…

KenyaMichael's spiritual journey began at the age of 10 when he first stepped into a church and joined the children's choir. Follow his inspiring testimony and see how he intends to use his unique skills to promote Christian Ministries through the…