Calling Later in Life
Ministry SchoolCalling Later in Life Leads to Study at CLI
My name is Brenda Iverson, and I received a calling later in life from God. I live in the USA and have lived here all of my life. I am 47 years old, with three children (23, 20, and 15). Until the…

Bible College Education Opportunity
Ministry School, SudanMy name is John Deng Deng Kuol in South Sudan, Juba. I am an undergraduate in University in the college of economics and social studies. The free Bible college education opportunity at the Christian Leaders Institute is a Godsend.
In my childhood,…

Continue in the Calling
Free College Courses, Ministry School"My time at CLI's Leadership Excellence School has been amazing! I have learned and grown so much, been challenged beyond belief, and encouraged to continue in the calling God has placed on my life" - Kim Ragan
In Need of a Degree
By profession,…

Study for Leadership Training Ministry
PhilippinesHello, my name is Jonathan Pangilinan, and I study for Leadership training ministry at CLI. I live in Dinalupihan, Bataan province of the Philippines. I am 43 years old and already have a grandson. Married to Lucy, I am a pastor in our local…

It's Never Too Late for God's Plan
Free College Courses, Ministry SchoolEric Thomas is a recent graduate of the Bachelor of Divinity degree program at CLI's Leadership Excellence School. Eric's story shows us that it is never too late to pursue God's plan for your life. Although he had previously given up hope…

Life-Changing Learning Opportunity
Free College Courses, Ministry School
Growing up as the son of a pastor, Austin Triplett admits that while he knew the Gospel, he did not always fully understand what Christ had done for him. However, as a recent graduate of the Associate's of Divinity Degree program…

Further Ministry Education at CLI
Ministry SchoolFurther Ministry Education
My name is James Gamble from Tampa, Florida, USA, and I am receiving further ministry education at CLI. I grew up in a Christian household and became a believer at an early age. I was active in my church until I was…

Free Ministry Classes at CLI
South AfricaFree Ministry Classes at CLI
My name is Letwin Zininga, and I am taking free ministry classes at CLI. I am 45 years old and currently residing in the Republic of South Africa. I grew up in a family of unbelievers. My mother was later born again…

Life Coaching Goal
Life Coach MinistryLife Coaching Goal with CLI
My name is Susan Molina. Currently, I reside in Cedar Grove, New Jersey. I have a Masters in Education, a Bachelor's in Business, and received my diploma in Doctor of Naturopathy in October of 2018. I recently enrolled…

Formal Education for Ministry
Ministry SchoolFormal Education for Ministry at CLI
My name is Andrew Temple, and I am receiving formal education for ministry free at the Christian Leaders Institute. I am 37 years old. Currently, I reside near Dallas, TX.
A Life of Addiction
I grew up…

My Ministry Pathway
Ministry School, NigeriaMy Ministry Journey
My name is Roseline Udoetuk, and I am from Nigeria. My ministry journey began with my parents. My father was a spiritual leader whom God used in many ways to bring the lost to God. Father never compromised our prayer time,…

Ministry School Study at CLI
Ministry SchoolFree Ministry School Study at CLI
My name is Matthew Faure, and I am excited about the free ministry school study at CLI. I live in South Africa. I grew up in a very religious household but always felt rejected from a very young age since I…

Marketplace Ministry Training
SingaporeMinistry in the Marketplace
Shalom, I'm Mary Jane Censon, born in January of 1979, and I have a marketplace ministry in Singapore. I am happily married and blessed with three kids born in 2000, 2003, and 2007. I am from Navotas City, the Philippines,…

Called to Be a Christian Leader
Ministry SchoolCalled to Be a Christian Leader
My name is Jim Oostdyk, and I am called to be a Christian leader. I was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have a Bachelor of Science in Management from Cornerstone University and an Associate in Science…