Ministry School Graduates

Christian Leaders Institute is a leading ministry training school that offers free ministry training course.

What is ministry? The word “ministry” comes from the Greek word, Diakonos, which means, “deacon.”  The word deacon means, minister, servant. The heart of a minister embodies the heart of a servant.

Christian Leaders Institute has enrolled over a quarter of a million people who started ministry training. These leaders felt the calling to study ministry!

Are you interest to study ministry? There are over 90 courses to pick from! You can receive free ministry credentials. You can pursue ordination or apply the course for a low administration cost college degree.

Read Stories and Testimonies

free online pastoral diploma

Free Online Pastoral Diploma Available With CLI

I moved from denomination to denomination seeking to understand their teachings. Eventually I got so caught up in one that I became so dogmatic that my relationship with Jesus Christ faded into a ritualistic and judgmental attitude (I had forgotten…
bi vocational pastor

Bi Vocational Pastor Finds Free Bible College With CLI

I love reading the Bible and studying God's Word. I felt God was wanting me to learn more but I could not afford the big name Bible colleges. I tried to take a class last fall and it really was too much financial strain on the family. I looked…
pastoral ministry

Pastoral Ministry for Empowering the Word of God

Even though I had a lot of personal issues growing up, I always seemed to be concerned with the welfare of people around me. I was tentative to their emotional, social, and eventually spiritual growth and I would often reach out to people and…
CLI free online ministry training

Relationship With Christ Needs To Be Practiced Daily In Life

Hello, my name is Cynthia Jacobs. I live in HopeMills, North Carolina, USA. I was blessed to be raised with church, however, please don't mistake that for automatically having a relationship with Christ. Having knowledge of Christ and having…
minister of the gospel

Minister of the Gospel Serving South Africa

Jesus...the Ultimate Minister of the Gospel We can learn a lot from observing Jesus and how he was a minister of the gospel. He spread the Good News of God's salvation to many. Some regarded him as the true Messiah while others laughed and…
leadership development

Leadership Development Training In Ministry- Revival Leaders

Leadership Development Training In Ministry- Setting A God Walk Foundation My name is Darin Thomas and I am from Inwood, WV. Doing ministry in the United States is an honor to me. The formation of our country was founded on many of God’s…
street ministry

Street Ministry for the Evangelist with God's Guidance

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."       -Joshua 1:9 Evangelizing in street ministry takes an amazing amount of courage.…
christian leader training

Christian Leader Training For The Next Generation

From Christian To Christian Leader Training We often find our beliefs in things due to the influences around us. Whatever is influencing others in our life usually tends to cross over to what we will find belief in as well. At some point in…
traveling ministry

Traveling Ministry: Soul Winning Is My Fundamental Concern

The Joys of Being an Evangelist with a Traveling Ministry  " GO INTO THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL CREATION "    -Mark 16:15 Not all people called into ministry feel the call to be behind a pulpit, teaching in a class setting,…
Denominational Confusion

Getting Through the Denominational Confusion

Getting Through the Denominational Confusion My name is Shawn Burchett, I live in rural Vanceburg, Kentucky in the United States. I'm blessed to be married to my wife, Sara, of almost 10 years. We have no children but many nieces and nephews…

Ministry Dreams- A Biker's New Mission

Ministry Knows No Bounds As One Ireland CLI Student Found Out Hi I am John Corcoran and I am Irish and currently living here in Ireland. I am 52 years of age. I am blessed to be married to my wife Karen for 30 Years. We have been blessed with…
revival leaders

Revival Leaders Equipping For The Battlefield

The Need For Revival Leaders Around The World Revivals are seen as the restoration of the church itself to a vital and fervent relationship with God after a period of moral decline. Mass conversions of non-believers are viewed by revival leaders…
work of God

Work Of God In The Green Pastures Of Ireland

Impact The World With The Work Of God One thing is for sure in our world today, the work of God will never run out. This is a business that will never close its doors. There is much to be done for the Kingdom. Some are called to preach, others…
free christian ministry training

Free Christian Ministry Training In Botswana

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How Is Free Christian Ministry Training Available In Botswana? With Christian Leaders Institute, students from all over the world can partake in our free Christian ministry training by taking all classes conveniently online. The internet has…
CLI free online ministry training

CLI Free Online Ministry Training- Worth It All

CLI Free Online Ministry Training Ready To Conquer Spiritual Disadvantages Living as a Christian in a non-Christian world can be challenging at times. We face many oppositions and spiritual disadvantages all over the world. Some are faced with…