Mentoring Ministry Dream
Bible Study ToolsMentoring Ministry Dream
My name is Gabe Criado. I am excited to be studying at Christian Leaders Institute on my mentoring ministry dream journey. I'm from the state of California in the United States of America. I was born in the year 1969.…

Pursuing Ministry Training
Bible Study ToolsPursuing Ministry Training
Join today and receive a scholarship towards pursuing ministry training and becoming a leader in Christian ministry. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts…

Free Online Christian Training: Building Strong Leaders
Bible Study Tools, Canada, Ministry SchoolFree Online Christian Training
Become a strong and authentic leader today. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read…

Journey to Ministry: From Wreckage to Reconciliation
America (United States), Bible Study Tools, Ministry School, Ordained MinisterJourney to Ministry
Start your journey to ministry today! Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student's testimony…