Bible Study Minister
Bible Study, Ministry SchoolI am a student at the Christian Leaders Institute to further my relationship with Christ (Learn more about Bible courses and ministry classes online, Click Here). Also, I want to dive deeper into studying and sharing God's Word, the Bible. I…

Free Bible Study Training Online
Bible StudyMy name is Sandy Brooks. This story is about my journey to start my free Bible study training at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about Studying the Bible, Click Here). I live in Martinsville, VA, but I am from the small town of Rocky…

Free Bible Study Opportunity at CLI
Bible Study, South AfricaGreetings to all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! My name is Lala Malope. I am thankful for the free Bible study opportunity (Learn more about Studying the Bible, Click Here) at the Christian Leaders Institute. By God's grace, I am a Christian…

Do you Believe?
Bible StudyDo you believe?
It’s all in there, all the answers are in the Bible. We were once blind and now we see. I am so grateful for each and every step I took in my life, because had it not been for my taking the “scenic route” if you will,…

Christ Ambassador
Bible Study, hermeneutics and ecclesiologyChrist Ambassador
My name is Jaime Denton and I am a Christ ambassador. I’ve come to realize how being a follower of God innately means to be a leader among people. I grew up in a Navy family, moving every year or two and traveling often.…

Ministry Evangelism Training
America (United States), Bible Study, Pastor Continuing EducationMinistry Evangelism Training
My name is Twana Mack and I am receiving ministry evangelism training at Christian Leaders Institute. I currently live in the USA, but I have also lived in Germany and Canada and in five different states in the…

Mentoring Ministry Dream
Bible Study ToolsMentoring Ministry Dream
My name is Gabe Criado. I am excited to be studying at Christian Leaders Institute on my mentoring ministry dream journey. I'm from the state of California in the United States of America. I was born in the year 1969.…

Evangelism Training
Bible StudyEvangelism Training
Join today and receive a scholarship towards pursuing evangelism training and becoming a leader in Christian ministry. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any…

Pursuing Ministry Training
Bible Study ToolsPursuing Ministry Training
Join today and receive a scholarship towards pursuing ministry training and becoming a leader in Christian ministry. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts…

Bible Study Minister Education
Bible StudyBible Study Minister Education
Join today and receive a scholarship towards free bible study minister education. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their…

Free Online Christian Training: Building Strong Leaders
Bible Study Tools, Canada, Ministry SchoolFree Online Christian Training
Become a strong and authentic leader today. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read…

Free Ministry Education: Young and In Love with Jesus
America (United States), Bible School Interest, Bible Study, Bible Study Tools, Free Online bible Classes, Ministry SchoolFree Ministry Education
Christian Leaders Institute offers free ministry education for any individual desiring to study Christ. Read about a student's testimony to how she was found to CLI and how Christian Leaders Institute has impacted her…

Finding the Grace of God
Africa, Bible Study, Free Online bible Classes, Kenya, Ministry SchoolFinding the Grace of God
Start free ministry training today! Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student's…

Journey to Ministry: From Wreckage to Reconciliation
America (United States), Bible Study Tools, Ministry School, Ordained MinisterJourney to Ministry
Start your journey to ministry today! Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student's testimony…