My Testimony
America (United States)Larry Wallace, United States Of America
I was raised in a Pentecostal church when I was a child. I left the church and backslid most of my young life. I ended up in bondage; I have been in jail, prison, probation, parole. I spent three years…

My Testimony
America (United States)My name is Robert Sean Emslie, and I live in the United States of America. Ministry in the United States is becoming more difficult as more of the populous are becoming secular and opposed to any religion or religious belief.
I came to know…

Ministry Ordination Is Available to You
America (United States)Ministry Ordination
Ministry Ordination is important because the ordination sets someone apart who has the calling, training and affirmation to be an agent of the church in a local area. In many places, ministry ordination is not accessible…

God's Fingerprints - Being Prepared for Ministry
America (United States)Being Prepared for Ministry
What I'm about to write isn't my story, but rather, it's God's story. My life is just a minuscule part of the big picture of His plan. I give Him all the glory. As I look over my seventeen years of life, I stand…

Never Without God
America (United States)Bless day, my name is Robert B. Harrington and I currently live in Beaver, West Virginia which is located in the United States. To do ministry in this country is probably easier than in most other countries. With so much freedom in our daily…

Trusting God in Texas Ministry Training
America (United States)Ed Butler, Royse City, TX
My name is Ed Butler. I was born in Berwyn, Illinois in 1961. I was raised in the Joliet, Illinois area. My parents were not Christians when I was born but started attending a church in Hickory Hills Illinois shortly…

Christian Leaders Education
America (United States)My name is Rameeka Saunders, I live in North Carolina, USA. Three years ago I relocated here because I knew that God had something greater for me in North Carolina.
I was born into a Bible believing family and since infancy, was raised in…

Ministry Training in South Carolina
America (United States)I was called into ministry at the young age of 17. A few years later I became a youth pastor and was leader for a youth drama. I was so sure that I was unworthy of the calling God had placed on my life.
At 27 years of age I turned my back…

A New War At Home
America (United States)I am Jacquelyne Kancir from the United States of America. As an American and a wife of a USMC Purple Heart Veteran with post-combat PTSD, I’d like to apply my ministry to spouses and families of other veterans affected by the recent OIF and…

A Changed Life - Mississippi Ministry Training
America (United States)Hello and Blessings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. My name is Jacqueline Lambert and I live in a small rural community which is located in the United States which is in Mississippi. I am married with 3 children. I was raised in a Christian…

A Supernatural God
America (United States)My name is Kristina. I was born in the United States and grew up in Pennsylvania. I am thirty-five years old with an amazing family and a close unit of Christian brothers and sisters. I currently live in Miami, Florida and have resided here…

Lost but Found - Ministry Training in New Mexico
America (United States)My name is Kenneth Palmer and I have a beautiful wife and 2 boy's, ages 9 and 17. We live in the Four Corners region in New Mexico, U.S. We have moved several times due to my job as a pipe welder and welding inspector. We attend Cross Roads…

From Prisoner to Preacher - South Carolina Ministry Training
America (United States)My name is Tiffany Spurgeon. I am a resident and citizen of the United States of America. I found the LORD in the midst of my mess. GOD allowed some drastic things to grab my attention and I surrendered to Him while in prison in 2007. I accepted…

Readying Myself to Teach - Ministry Training in Canada
Canada“Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name.”
Psalms 103:1
My name is Laurie, and I live with my husband on the west coast of the vast country of Canada. I am blessed to be surrounded by the beauty of…

Stewards of Creation - Ministry Training Available to Everyone
America (United States)I'm currently living in the United States, in the state of Maine. In general, doing ministry in the USA is challenging. Where there isn't currently the threat of persecution to the same degree it is in other countries, there are many opponents…