Better Understand Christianity - Courtney's Story
America (United States)Courtney was looking to strenghten her faith, become a prayer warrior and increase her confidence when speaking of God and Christianity. Courney enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to better understand Christianity through free Ministry…

Free Ministry Leader Training - Robert Johnson's Story
America (United States)Robert Johnson enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute for free Ministry Leader training, and to build his self-confidence and sense of achievement. Here is Robert's story...
Free Ministry Leader Training - Robert Johnson's Story

Marine Moorehead's CLI Story - Strengthening Family Through Ministry
America (United States)Former US Marine David Moorehead strengthens his family by advancing his Ministry Education free at Christian Leaders Institute. Here is his story...
Former Marine Begins Strengthening Family Through Ministry at CLI
I was born March 2nd 1981…

Nathalia Watson's Story - Free Outreach Ministry Training
America (United States)Evangelist Nathalia Watson utilizes Christian Leader's Institute's free training courses to help her build her Church's Outreach Ministry! Read about her Free Outreach Ministry Training here...
Outreach Ministry Training Free Through CLI

Fulfilling Ministry Counseling Calling at CLI!
America (United States)David Drew enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute to pursue his dream of youth ministry as well as ministry counseling! Here is Drew's Story...
Fulfilling Ministry Counseling Calling
I am a man who did not grow up in a church. I heard about…

Free Military Ministry Training Changed My Life
America (United States)David Garrison needed a better ministry education to cater to his fellow soldiers so he enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute and began his journey in gaining pride in himself and pride from God.
Free Military Ministry Training - Changed…

Small Town Girl - Free Ministry Training for A Big Future
America (United States)Jessica Nemec wanted a better future for her small town life, so she enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute and set goals to achieve a Big future, at no cost!
Small Town Girl - Free Ministry Training for A Big Future
Hello! My name is Jessica…

My Personal Testimony
America (United States)Hi, my name is Brittany Peyton, and I am from the United States. Doing ministry here can be quite interesting and challenging. It is difficult to reach many people because there are so many diverse beliefs here. Especially, where I am located.…

My Time for God and Them
Canada, Ministry SchoolMy name is Sergio E. Martinez. I live in Canada since 1988. I gre up in a Catholic family and I felt my whole life that the teachings were distilled to the convenience of the church and not focused on Jesus and God our father. My life was turned…

My walk of faith
America (United States)My name is Philip Pirtle, and I am a middle aged professional in northwest Houston, TX. My beautiful wife and two wonderful daughters are the light of my life. We feel wonderfully blessed to live in a place where we can freely study the Word…

A Call to Serve in the Philippines
America (United States)I grew up in the Bible belt of rural Alabama. In my hometown there are no less than five churches in a five mile radius, three of which can share a parking lot. We are exceptionally blessed here, but that doesn't mean there isn't work to be…

My story
America (United States)Hello my name is Haley Villalobos! I am a resident and native of Arizona. I currently live in New River, AZ. I have been in and out of church most of my life. Youth group was a big part of my life when I was a teen. I returned to the church…

Standing on the Word
CanadaMy name is Kristina MacDonald, I am 32 years old, married and the mother of two beautiful children. I live in a rural community in Atlantic Canada. I was raised in a christian home, but had a falling away from my church when I was a young teen.…

A life called to serve
America (United States)My name is Paul, I work full time for a church and am excited about doing this course and looking forward to what God is going to do through it in my life and through me in this church. I was saved at the age of 7 and through my school years…

The Opportunity of a Lifetime!
America (United States)My name is Tammy Fickler. I love in Omaha, Nebraska in the United States. I would love to be able to teach teens and children the word of our lord and savior in the church community. I became to know the lord when I was with a gentleman that…